Thursday, September 2, 2010

Movies: Mulholland Drive

If you are familiar with David Lynch's work, you know that it is rather unique. His films have startling visuals and are at times very confusing as there are multiple plots and meanings and tons of symbolism. However, one of his early works "Twin Peaks" does obviously touch upon alien abduction and UFOs. Now "Mulholland Dr."........

The story here however has a few twist and turns. Although many people believe the story is about the darker side of Hollywood, and the life of struggling stars, and murder.... there are some very very odd sequences in the film that relate to Alien Abductions.

1) The "Silencio Theatere" an abstract place like the "Red Room" from Twin Peaks..... is this actually were abduction occurs?

2) "The Two Old People and the Box", there is an odd cube in the movie were old people seem to crawl out of and warp reality? Are they demons or just aliens?

3) "The Bounty Hunter"... he appears out of now where in a desolate place. When he moves the lights seem to flicker.

4) The "Little Man".. some Hollywood mogul that lives in an underground base and calls the shots. He is under medical care.

It is these odd parts of the film that make me wonder, if there is another story. I admit the film takes a couple of viewings to fully digest....but i think this movie is about Alien Abduction, and the odd tricks they play with peoples mind.

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