Sunday, October 17, 2010

First Contact::Witness, Abductee, Contactee, or Experiencee

Well as you know individuals who encounter extraterrestrials fall into one of four major categories. Some claim that these are also stages in which encounters evolve..... from Witness to Abductee to Contactee to Experiencee. I would say some people can have more than one category, and certain individuals have had their designation changed from one category to the next, but I would argue against the case that this is a progression. So what are these categories???

Witness: An individual in this category is a CE-3. They encounter an extraterrestrial. This encounter can be as simple as a sighting of a UFO and its occupants or being an eye witness to an abduction\contact. Such examples of witness are family members\associates of an abductee who witness the effects of the abduction taking place (strange lights, paralyzed, odd sounds, seeing the beings, etc.) or an individual who sees a being in an area or in/around there home.

Abductee: An individual who encounters an extraterrestrial and is taken by force or against their will. This is a CE-4. These events can be singular event or ongoing process. The individual is examined, probed, tested, or tagged in some manner. These experiences are usually traumatic, and can be life changing. At this category the contact is unwanted and cause problems for the victim.

Contactee: Unlike an abductee, these individuals have an open dialogue of some manner with an extraterrestrial. This can stem from a willingness to be experimented upon, encounter an extraterrestrial, or become involved on some sort of relationship (physical/platonic). Majority of contactees feel that these are benign encounters.

Experiencee: These individuals seem to be a combination of both the abductee and the contactee. In any event they actively work with the extraterrestrials and fully cooperate with their experiments. They will be engaging and interactive in order to take some control over the situation.

So how do these categories affect those who experience an acounter with them? Well it gives you an idea of what is out there and how you can respond to the given situation.

1 comment:

  1. Hi

    I am always on the look out for scientific research which bears on the topic of UFO abductions. I was in my local library the other day browsing the shelves, when I came across a book titled " Migraine Auras:When the visual world fails" by Richard Grossinger. Published by North Atlantic Books. Berkeley, CA. 2006. ISBN 978-1-55643-619-2.

    I was not thinking about UFOs, simply flicking through the pages when I came across the following on page 121.

    "Alien abductions"
    Accounts from reputed UFO abductions have a distinct migrainoid ring to them: inexplicable lights, missing time, humanoid or animal-headed creatures-though these matters of course raise other ontological issues.

    Attribution of migrainoid qualities addresses the neural components of such "close encounters," it is not to say that there are no alien abductions ...merely to note that these episodes share elements with fugues that originate in the brainstem. Encounters with aliens...might be actual metaphysical meetings and yet evoke migrainoid vestiges, falsifying the entities..."

    I wondered how relevant this material was so read the rat of the book. I have posted my thoughts on my blog at:
