Saturday, April 23, 2011

Television: Doctor Who: The Silence

A new species has recently appeared in the latest "Doctor Who" series. So far the the show has been hinting at them for quite sometime, as they seem to be the force behind the destruction of the Tardis.

What is most peculiar is that they seem to be a composite of the greys that are usually seen among abductees.

Apparently these beings per the Storyline of "Doctor Who" have been on the planet for centuries, co-existing with humanity in an unseen method.... whether being clandestine and underground.... or being able to affect ones memory. Not much is known about the species at this time. Yet careful observers can note the similarity between them and the greys... they are humanoid and almond/grey in color. From certain shots they appear to favor the M.I.B. look or no clothing. There eyes are sunk far back in, giving their eye sockets a large shadow (big black eyes), and have know mouth, four digits, and a large bulbous head. They have an ability cause individuals to "forget" about them when you do not look at their image (reference to Crowley's Lum???). They also seem to be able to generate electrical interference and redirect an energy blast to vaporize living beings.
It will be interesting to see what more the show will reveal as this particular "species" can hit home to so many.

1 comment:

  1. Silence will fall when the question is asked...
