Thursday, June 9, 2011

Visitation Occurance

Sleep Paralysis Day
Date: June 9, 2011
Type: Abduction
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 3:00am-5:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2:45 am
State of Mind Before: Tired, Overall Depression Symptoms, Stressed, Sad, Lonely
State of Mind After: Confused, Sad, Apathetic
Odd occurrences before: Depression Symptoms, Odd Noises, Hauntings, Odd Sleeping Patterns, CE3 of an associate.
Odd occurrences after: Repetitious Behavior at 5am, 6am, 7am, and 730am.

Over the past weeks the usual odd noises at night occur, along with some ghostly phenomena, and the usual odd sleeping patterns. On May 30th a close associate's family member had a CE3. This event occurred in Burbank, CA. Although the area in which the craft sighted is highly improbable, she described the tell tale signs of the entity's craft that have seem to have bothered me.I have never gone into detail with her, and she has very little knowledge of my experiences. Her account leads me to speculate that the beings craft my been extra-dimensional. Besides personal issues, things have been at the usual.

Last night, 6-8-11, I have been sleeping from the time I get back from work until 11pm. My body and myself seem to not want to be asleep at night. I been forcing myself to sleep at reasonable hours, but for some reason I do not want to sleep.
Last night I tried to relax myself as normal, did some chores, and was ok.
When I finally forced myself to relax and try to sleep several odd things began to happen. 1) The usual noise in my left ear started (this was toward the pillow), 2) after a couple of secs the volume decreased and hen started in my right ear 3) I heard an odd noise from the hallway (crawl space bang) 4) There was a strong cold draft in my room 5) Then blacked out. During this time I was trying to relax and just remain calm, I even thought how nice cool air, and tried to remain calm. I did not fall asleep... things just turned off as in "blacked out".

During the "black out"... I was escorted down a pearly and circular hallway. Being were behind me as I moved forward. We then got to a warm bathed in a golden light. It was a small chamber some 10' round, and it contained a small garden of river stone, moss grass, and four small fountain statues. I remember saying "What have you done. In our city this is not allowed. It is very lovely though but could do without the female fountains." I was simply told "Wait here" and I simply stared at the fountains.

I revived at 5am. Swung out of bed went to the bathroom, rinsed my mouth, went back to bed and lay there. I noted the time, and also just went through the motions...I was numb... I felt nothing as if i was on automatic pilot... wondering why I was doing this. At 6am.... same thing.. swung out of bed, rinsed my mouth, and lay back in bed. 7am same thing......swung out of bed, rinsed my mouth, and lay back in bed. At this point I knew something was wrong... becuase I was just trapped... I needed to go to work... but I was just laying there. The only thing I could do all those time was move my eyes, and I thought I was dreaming... but I wasn't. I made sure to see the clock and look around... which is quite disturbing when you body is doing something else entirely. Finally around 730 I got up one last time and after rinsing my mouth I was normal. The first thing that hit me was my throat was raw.
It felt like the time I had gastropic biopsy in which a tube with cameras was down my throat. I also through up stomach acid. My stomach was fine the night before.
Of course... my first thought is I need to get to work... so I got dressed although crying and shaking. I was trying to keep it out of my head... of what my have happened.

As per usual I check on my aunt before I go to work. As I said my goodbyes I noticed she was upset. I asked her point blank what was wrong. She was scared, becuase around 3:00 am at night something opened up he crawlspace and was walking around the hallway. She screamed my name, and something walked around the kitchen and the hallway. She also felt a draft of cold air enter her room as well. Trying to remain as calm as I could I said "yeah... it was hem again. Something did happen. They are not after you. Don't be scared. I need to go to work". I attempted to re-assure and go to work. In the car I broke down a bit, but I continued on with driving to work... throughout the next couple of minutes I sobbed apathetically... functioning but crying and wanting to end it all. So far my strong sense of obligation anchors me.... but I can't take this anymore. It is one thing when I am just trapped in this, but another thing when my loved one are subject to this too.

Which brings a whole other can of worms... what do I do? If I admit whats going on and how I really feel... it cause serious ramifications. I am the only one working, a caregiver, like many Americans I live from check to check, and have no social support. Only option is for me to endure and do my best... but it is taking a toll on me.

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