Saturday, November 12, 2011

Update: Silence and Knocking

As you have noted there has been no activity for about two months.
It seems things have entered "the quiet phase". Of any and all incidents occurring during this time are:

-2 Episodes of Epilepsy?? Partial (focal) seizure or Febrile seizures.
-Ghostly Knockings between 2-4am.

Paralyzation: Epilepsy

As many people have noticed in the abduction community, paralyzation occurs. People often start categorizing and looking for plausible explanations. One of them has always been medical, and the response is a stroke or a mild seizure of some sorts. Some of the common things that happen, which I know I must have had is a Febrile Seizure. As it is, my body temperature is usually above normal and I have always been prone to high fevers. Now, in our family there has been a history of seizures. Yet again this always twists into the realm of the paranormal. Those who have had seizures... either have had "visions or ghosts" experiences or like me abduction episodes.
The sad thing about seizures is they are not fully understood. Supposedly they are bought on by various effects, but myself including the family members who have experienced these symptoms have never been diagnosed nor been treated. All medical personal have agreed that there is no reason why we "experience" these events. Them been called fits, and usually been said to be psychological in origin.. possible due to depression or anger. Yet when these non abductions have have occurred there is no psychological reasons why I would have these.  

Ghostly Knocks
No this I attribute to the fact that we are living next to several cemeteries Hauntings are normal, and despite what one would thing they are far more preferable to "abductions". The knocks have occurred between 2am-4am during the past three weeks. There have been a total of four verified episodes. There is a distinct knock on my aunts bedroom door of 4 raps.At first she thought it might be me, but I never knock on her door. When I heard this I thought it may have been her, as when she needs me she summons me with banging on the wall with her cane. This was not the noise and was a distinct knock on the door. So far it has stopped.

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