Wednesday, May 22, 2013


   Since the dawn of our human history, we have recorded and related stories about strange object in the air and on the land and sea. Somethings were readily explainable, others took time to explain, and others were rationalized in the best possible way. The other encounters were often best described in terms would could understand or embellished into a narrative that was easily acceptable.
   Our ancient and recent history is full of accounts flying objects in the sky, glowing lights beneath the waters, and objects seen on land. We have been fascinated and speculative with these objects. What are they? Where did they come free?

   The most common of these objects are UFOs. A term that means an Unidentified Flying Object. Many times such objects are later identified as satellites, meteorites, known flying objects or animals. Yet there are many accounts of objects that posses flight capabilities beyond what we know. These objects have been viewed at close range and at a distance. They can be seen at rest hovering, in a landing position, and in flight.
   From what we have observed these are able to fly at incredible speeds, have high maneuverability, and the ability to phase out. Some have even displayed ray-like weapons. The vast majority of objects have no known discernible markings, appear in a variety of makes and models, and their power source at this time is unknown. It is speculated that some radioactive or electromagnetic power source maw be involved.

   USO, an Unidentified Submersible Object, appear on or underneath the water. They are sighted in various parts of the oceans, seas, and lakes. They have been seen leaving the water, making the transition from and undersea vehicle to an air vehicle. They exhibit many of the same characteristics of and UFO. However much of the information on USOs is largely unknown. Research into the phenomena if any would be in the hands of the various maritime sailors and naval branches of the various governments. Also our planets oceans and seas cover a good portion of our planet, a vast stretch of space which is uninhabited.

   UXO, Unidentified "X" Object, is a term I use to categorize objects that appear within homes, on or underneath the land. They can range from drones, doorways, cave openings, rifts, portals, pipes, etc.
These objects are usually smaller than a car. The thing with these object is that they appear in a place that they shouldn't be in or don't fight the context of an area. It is believe that many of these objects are lures or probes. They are meant to entice, attract, or gather data. Some may actual be an aperture or doorway that can transport a being into a UFO/USO, or alien environment.

   We are fascinated by these vehicles and there is a great interest by many to study and gain the technology that they possess. They our thousand of documented pieces that present these objects movements, but we have yet to have tangible evidence. Purportedly there are artifacts that have been recovered from excavations and crashes. It is believed that our technological advancements of the past 70 years may have been inspired by  or copied from our understanding of the technology these crafts possess.

 The main question I ask.... Who is operating the vehicles?      

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