Saturday, July 19, 2014

Christians Versus Aliens "The Unwanted Piece of the UFO Puzzle" Part 2

  The article is an interesting read, but mind you some of the data that they have come up with needs to be furthered explored. I see for one that the research needs to be re-examined, and perhaps a broader range of variable must be taken into an account. Below is their research, the following Purple Font are my critiques on it. I am not an authoritative or certified individual on the subject, but if you want a list of credentials... then here:

I have an A.S. Degree in Material Science Engineering, 17 years of religious school training, 30+ years of faith based and philosophy research, collegial-levels courses and hobbies in Psychology, Biology, Ancient History, in addition I am a muti-generational abductee of over 30+ years.

The Research

Hypothesis: Christians are being abducted by Aliens. (What do you mean by "Christian"? Are we refering to he general term as a believer in the New Testament which includes all variation of Protestants? Do you mean individuals as well such as Roman Catholics and Orthodox Catholics?, What about those who accept or have incorporated Emmanuel-Jesus the Christ as a prophet into their belief system? What about the related Judea-Christian faiths such as Judaism and Islam? People of all faiths and beliefs systems are targeted. I myself am a Catholic, as well as my family. I know of other abductees who are also Christian and others who are not)

The Data: Compiled through working with over 350 Alien Abduction Experiencers.

(I myself am a Catholic, as well as my family. I know of other abductees who are also Christian and others who are not. Data can be compiled from various sources on the web and communities who have formed about the abduction phenomena. Many such individuals are some form of Christian)
The Findings: Some professing Christians are claiming to have experienced the Alien Abduction experience.

(Everyone and anyone can be a target. As a community, no single factor has been established as to why certain people are chosen. Either from a psychological or biological perspective)


What causes someone to have an abduction experience?
This is a question that secular researchers do not have an answer for to this day. But we at CE4 Research Group have found through our research that people can have this experience because of one of three reasons or a combination of these reasons:

1. You asked for it. Some people actually ask to have the experience to know what is like or about. Be careful what you ask for.
(This cam be true. Many such individuals put themselves out there and have experiences. They go looking for it or find a means of contact. However to be fair there are also many who want this to happen, but never have a single experience. Based upon that, Reason number 1 is a very general statement. As a note to my personal experience and families history, "We never asked for it").

2. You unknowingly open a door to the realm of this experience. Some people unknowingly opened a door for the experience, by being involved in New Age or Occult activities. When you engage in the unknown things outside of GOD the Creator and His WORD you make yourself vulnerable to these entities. We have found this reason to be the most often found root cause.
(This response is biased. Christianity, like another faith based beleif system in a cult unto themselves. The terms "New Age" and "Occult" are slanderous because any religion uses these terms to describe non-believers. Relative modern example if you like at Modern Day China and it dealings with the Christian "Occult". Roman Catholics find Jewish Mystism to be an "Occult" practice. Roman Catholics find some protestant evangelics to practice in an Occult Rituals. Most Protestants view Catholics as individuals who practice the "Occult".
Also what do you mean by GOD? are we talking about "Yaweh" aka "Iahovah" aka "Deus". Are we talking about Old Testament God or his avatar J.C.? His "WORD" is not even the gidheads word, but a collection of interpretations from men and Angels themselves.Plus what about all the other World Religions with their own Pantheons? Thor, Poseidon, Chalchiuhtlicue, Shiva, Sun WuKong are also deities in their own right.

This reason should be dismissed because it is biased , and is a general blanket statement which is akin to reason 1.) 

3. You are part of an ongoing cycle or social conditioning. When asked about the experiencer's parents or early family life, we found that the opening had come from one or more of the parents. It IS important how you raise your children. When there is a GODLY covering over the family by the head of the household, the family is protected. But if there is No GODLY covering, the family is open to these types of unnatural experiences.

(Biased reason included in the previous conclusion they covered. Through personal experience I can relate my situation:

My family is Catholic. We have been Catholic for generation and I can recount that my great-great-grandparents are Catholics. The family members have all fulfilled the sacraments and have been good standing members in the faith. Our homes have been blessed by Priests. So yes, we have had the "Godly" covering.
However, the incidents occurred anyway. My grandfather believed they were "Angels". My Grandmother new about them, but it was something you never talked about. My aunt saw them since she was little, and she is not one to experiment with other beliefs or philosophies, and has behaved in a manner that keeps her in good standing in the faith. I myself served as an Altar Boy and wanted to become a Priest. All of this...... we have been abducted, and continue to do so.

I can attest that my Aunt and myself have called out both the Lord's Name and Jesus name with strong conviction. We have prayed. Yet these incidents continue. Of course given the nature of these findings hat have been presented they would probably conclude the following:

1. It is a Test of Faith
2. Because you are GODLY and loved by the LORD, such opposite forces seek to harm you and your family.
3. Your devotion if not great enough, and you have been found unworthy.
4. Because you are not a "real" Christian, you are not protected.)

The conclusion found in the Hypothesis are up for debate. I found them to be biased toward a "Christian" faith.
There was no evidence or data showing other evidence to measure against being "Christian": Such as a person who believes in the Tenants of Islam where Allah gave Solomon Dominion of the Djinn... you can say "In the name of Solomon, whose grace was bestowed upon Allah, you are bound not to harm me and I dismiss you". You can also say if you follow the Tianshi Taoist beliefs "By Decree of the Jade Emperor, do no not interfer with the middle kingdom and stay within your realm". Also explain incidents why the most devout "Christian" is still being abducted.

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