Monday, August 3, 2015

Alien Communication Part 1

Can we communicate with Alien Intelligences?

The answer is YES.

Regardless of the species that an individual will encounter, a level of communication can be achieved.
If we look at the phenomena from a whole perspective there a re a large number of encounters of exchanges between humans and aliens in one form or another. Most will say that they have been "communicated" to.... as in audio/speech was not done. It is never expressly said that it is a form of telepathy, but impressions are strongly emphasized through thought and feeling. However, there seems to be some block to communication as regard to mental synaptic shock and static on our part.

As I am unfamiliar with other species than the general grey, let starts with examples of communication. As with myself and others they can control the background noise of the mental static that confuses us. It could be because they need to "slow" down to communicate. To those of us who are receptive, it take time. However they can get close undetected and can innate contact. As a child and young adult, I do remember that it is done through mostly impressions, I wouldn't say pictures in your head...but impressions. They can use devices to attempt audio communications, but as a language the syntax structure is very different and is more along Asiatic/pacific islander/indigenous American language structures. At one time there was open communication....however.....

As a teenager, you begin to filter through more....and since you are communicate through impression and intent, you can't hide the truth of what you will be doing. I think that that is why there is such a high level of anxiety as a teen through and adult. They are communicate directly one thing, but as we learned their style of communication we are picking up and the secondary more "sinister" intent. The only way I can describe it is if you meet someone and despite their charismatic charm, you know something is off.

Now my aunt and grandfather seemed to have had a better time of communicating with them. My grandfather paradigm, was that they were angels. My aunt, not sure what they are, deals as they are imaginary people and attempts to plead with them. To some extent they will communicate as an adult. Myself I still get impression when they come, I do get warnings of their arrivals, I have had straight out directives/warnings, and I have overheard comments during flashed of my scenarios.

The things too is that direct communication is not only face to face physical, but it also occur via long distance through some sort of broadcast. It is like I am a radio beacon and I am picking up a signal from them either by accident or by their intent. Other forms of communication can occur on a mental plane, during dreams or theta trance like state. Their they can better bridge our way of life by drawing upon familiar concepts to communicate.

However, as I sad there is a block. Many that I have come to know say it is "FEAR" or "OVERLOAD" of their mental superiority that causes the problem. However, it also could be that I am just subject matter. Like our own scientist, we really don't communicate with our test subjects be it animal or human. I am willing to communicate and start a dialogue, they are intelligent enough to grasp the concept of a medium.... for example write me an e-mail.... leave a tangible message....find a translator. As one suggested, perhaps that why there are abductees who have been slowly modified to be able to understand and translate.

It is not far out of the question, especially considering that they have been able to communicate with us in the past directly and have studied us for a number of years. Perhaps the secret is in the number of likened individuals.... perhaps I need to find another companion brave enough to attempt communication. They travel in pairs and threes for some reason.

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