Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Other Accounts: Earth Dragon #001

Date: 8/3/2015
Type: CE4/CE5
Location: Castiac Lake, CA
Time of Incidents: 8:00am-5:00pm and 8:00am-11:00am (8/4/2015)
Attempted Time of Sleep: 7:00am  and 12:00pm (8/5/2015)
State of Mind Before:  Thoughtful (Individual)/Irrelevant Ambivalence (Associate)
State of Mind After: Sleepy, Thoughtful (Individual)/Not Sad, Engaged (Associate)
Odd occurrences before: Name Calling, Blue Moon, Emotional Issue.
Odd occurrences after: Sync Message (Individual/Associate) regarding subject matter, Oscillating Sound,
Poltergeist Activity,  .
Possible Influential Factors: Blue Moon Rite,. Mindset of Theme/Topic

The individual was unable to sleep the previous night didn't rest until the waking hours. During this time period, the individual felt that they were in a trance like state. They had moments of waking and returning to sleep, it was not a normal sleep as an other event was occurring.

During these period of rest, the individuals believe that he had achieved a Theta Level of consciousness and these being were communicating with him. It is unclear who these beings were. However the following information was communicated over (This is paraphrased through my understanding of the intent...the individuals and his associate are still working out on an agreed glossary of term to better identify a shared paradigm):

"Everything in the universe resonates within a certain vibratory phase, whether it be light or sound. Depending on your ability to perceive these different wavelengths, various states of the universe become part of you consciousness.
On the earth most people are unaware of the various states of being as they resonate on a "lower" tone. However, if you are to resonate with the vibrations of another level... you can effectively transition physical/spiritual to other realms. Not only does the resonating frequency affect space, but can be used to ride temporal flow. Example were shown on how one can travel a distance, how matter can be moved,
and how time can be dilated by adjusting harmonic resonance."

This message was being communicated over a period of some 8 hours.
The individual recalls during the few waking moments before he forced himself to return to sleep, he found himself singing.

In a related note, an associate of his was doing research into Sacred Sounds, which talk about the vibratory effects in commune and shaping the spirit world. It was the history of world cultures spiritual beleifs and way song and intonation are important. Seems the "Dream" and the associate where on the same wavelength, and echo resonance.

The following day during communication with said associate, at the hours of 8:30am to 11:00am there was an unknown feedback emanating during the conversation. This was noted, and was not feedback from speakers, mic, or fans. It was a low oscillating tone in nature, varying in long hums with occasional pips, and a frequency change to a higher pitch at times. There was also some minor "alleged" poltergeist activity as cloth with moved into frame when the individual was away.
Lastly there was a voice that mentioned the individuals name, seemingly female. The activity could have been related to the previous day.

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