Saturday, October 24, 2015

Other Accounts: Earth Dragon #015

Date: 10/20/2015
Type: CE4
Location: Castiac Lake, CA
Time of Incidents: 2:45am to 5:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 12:00am
State of Mind Before: Unhappy, Stressed (Earth Dragon)
State of Mind After: Unhappy, Stressed (Earth Dragon)
Odd occurrences before: None
Odd occurrences after: Pain
Possible Influential Factors: Wooden Rabbit was trying to be Earth Dragon to draw attention in Los Angeles.

Around 2:45 am Earth Dragon contacts Wooden Rabbit. The incident continued to occur as texting went on. The following is an actual transcript:

Earth Dragon (2:45AM): Contact
Wood Rabbit (2:45AM): Ok
Earth Dragon (2:45AM): Touched Me
Earth Dragon (2:45AM): Still Here
Wood Rabbit (2:45AM): Invisible
Earth Dragon (2:46AM): I started rebuking the grey
Earth Dragon (2:47AM): I feel I have never gained any thing.
Earth Dragon (2:47AM): Was being serious
Wood Rabbit (2:48AM): I know. Did it leave?
Earth Dragon (2:48AM): Started Having Thoughts that conflicted
Earth Dragon (2:49AM): Rolled over to go back to sleep
Earth Dragon (2:49AM): Huge Presence came, stood be hind me
Earth Dragon (2:50AM): I heard talking to me in a whisper voice
Wood Rabbit (2:51AM): Outside your window?

Earth Dragon (2:51AM): I think it truest to do something. I forced myself to stay awake.
Earth Dragon (2:51AM): Touched my neck felt joltEarth Dragon (2:52AM): No in my room about were the lamp is
Earth Dragon (2:54AM): Nope
Earth Dragon (2:54AM): Maybe to scare me who knows
Wood Rabbit (2:54AM): Any idea what it was whispering?

Earth Dragon (2:55AM): Anything with you
Wood Rabbit (2:56AM): Around 2am wall vibrated

Earth Dragon (2:57AM): Woot.... they are so boring now
Wood Rabbit (3:00AM): I will note attempted contact

Earth Dragon (5:33AM): So multiple attempts were made
Earth Dragon (5:33AM): Um up till I say
Earth Dragon (5:43AM): 5:00 am ish
Earth Dragon (5:44AM): Thought I saw a grey in an attractive light. Realized it was not real

To summarize the events, Wooden Rabbit attempted to see if he could get the Greys to converse with him at home. He figured since both he and Earth Dragon resonate so strongly, that perhaps he could lure them into believing that he was there. After a few minutes of trying this, the wall started to vibrate and an image of the grey appeared in his mind. Wood Rabbit stopped.

Around this time, it is believe that Earth Dragon had an event. Beings were attempting to do something. He managed to stay awake and text as they were there. It seems they allowed him to text me to let us know that "something" can go on. However, Earth Dragon became agitated because they will not meet him as an equal and will only spoon feed him. He is agitated at their level of involvement and became angry, At 3:00am Earth Dragon went silent, Wood Rabbit figured that the greys were continuing what ever they were trying to do.
Wood rabbit fell asleep. For the rest of the night they continued to bother Earth Dragon and attempted various means of coercion to get him to cooperate. They attempted to talk to him, scare him, and entice him as best as possible. During the entire time he was angry and disillusioned by the whole experience, expressing his frustration and his dislike that they are manipulating and using us. At 5:30am he texts that they tried multiple time to convince him. The following morning, around 6:39am he calls Wood Rabbit and shares in greater detail what had occurred. They both have a length discussion of what had occurred and their opinions on being used.

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