Monday, December 28, 2015

Brothers Dreaming Alot Again.. confusing truths?

Earth Dragon's Dream

Earth Dragon was driving with his mom in Lancaster.
While driving along Sierra Highway, his mother warned him
the streetwalkers there. The road was somewhat normal, but the highway was in the wrong direction. As they got to a light at the end of the street she did a very odd U-Turn. A very weird slug almost hit their car. It was all white. The dream glitched and it paused, but the car kept moving. He gets out of the car and starts walking down the road to a local business.

He is attempting to hide his face so the people don't notice him, which works. The scenario seems like a trap overall, and he does his best to avoid building and people. The dreams does a shift, and now he is walking in the opposite direction but the area has changed to ghetto environment. As he was walking a couple was there talking to each other. It seems there was supposed to be some interaction, but Earth Dragon avoided them. Once they say each other, they started following him. He found an out cropping of rocks and decided to fly away.

As he was flying he notice this area was heavy populated, but something was a miss an he felt like someone "knew" he was bending the rules. He found a theater and landed. When he went into the building he noticed it was an open room where a series of screens and chairs were placed. There was no separation between screens, and only a few people watching each screen and they were entranced. As he walked around the lobby, he found a bell. He picked it up and rang it once. Some of the staff became upset and accused him of stealing it. He put it back and started running. They was an elevator so he got inside. He had to will the doors to open. Once inside it took him high into the sky. The floor he got off was odd, it was like an amphitheater with many screens. There was a lady there monitoring them all. She was upset, he is not supposed to see this. He gets back into elevator, but door leads to the outside above the city. He jumps out and remembers he can fly. He wakes ups.

Sometime during this he also took a DNA test. Apparently the results were RH- and  with 18% Mountain Man (Unknown).

Wood Rabbit's Dream

1st Dream Fragment
In an RV with a family. I wanted a Kit Kat. Lil Brother (Earth Dragon is asleep), I am around 18. The RV is moving. There are lights outside. They are trying to take him away again. Must protect.

2nd Dream Fragment
In an RV and I wanted a Kit Kat. Evil Aunt and Cousin are here. I am around 18. Went and found and area to hide. Started chanting "Not real. You are dead. I am not here. Just a dream".

3rd Dream Fragment
Lil Brother (Earth Dragon) and  I (am 18) are at Acuna Park in Montebello. There is some sort of competition going on. We are in teams and he and I are supposed to find a baby monkey. After searching for a bit, we find this tiny baby monkey that fits inside the palm of my hand. Bees begin attacking us and I ward them off. The Monkey was in there hive. A grey shows up and says "You win", my Lil Brother laughs, I get defensive since they show up. They take him away.

4th Dream Fragment
I am 18 still, Montebello Library, south of the Park. Head South, keep safe. I am wearing my trenchcoat, angry and crying out of frustration A librarian come up and says I must finish my research and write these papers. If I don't cooperate, I won't see him again. I don't like this and don't want to be here.

5th Dream Fragment
I am 26, now at some sort of college. I am involved in some sort of Model U.N., my Lil Brother is supposed to be here with me. We worked on this project together, our country's major export was ball bearings. Where is he... wait no... he is not my actual brother, my real brother hates me. Where's my lil' brother. I walk around campus and find him under a polyhedron jungle gym. He is sad and tells me goodbye. We are not allowed to see each other anymore, he disappears in a light.
I become very angry. They took him. I head over to the dorm and get my sword. I make some sort of ranting speech and hit the gas main by the fireplace, I will blow up the ship for taking him away.  The greys show up and stop me. Must protect him, find him.

6th Dream Fragment
At the American Museum of Psychology in Hollywood. Not again, I been here many times before in a dream. There is another gala again, this time the Legends of Music/Rock. Many famous people are walking in on the read carpet. The Whore of Babylon (aka 227) walks in all drugged up with an entourage of men that will be properly entertained by her. I roll my eyes in disgust, why is she here. I begin to walk away from that place. A very handsome tall blonde man comes out and says my services are needed there as well, he looks concerned for me but I ran and shift into a wolf. I am free. I am free. A car hits me and I shift into human form.

7th Dream Fragment
I am in a park in a wheelchair. I can walk, but I am just using the chair. I think they said I was hit by a car. People are feeling pity for me. I tell them to get away. I roll myself around the park to be alone. As I am trying to find a secluded spot to think I see and RV in a parking lot. A family is getting in. I see Earth Dragon as a boy and myself around 18 getting into the RV. I look at myself and make eye contact. I mentally tell him "Don't go to the Beach. PCH is bad they are there. He is not your brother. Wake up now!"

8th Dream Fragment
In an RV with a family and Lil Brother (1st Dream Fragment). He asks what's wrong. I tell him what had just happened. I saw my older self in a wheelchair and he warned me. We should not be driving down PCH, something bad is going to happen. He should tell his dad to turn back. Lil Brother tells me "I know it is all fake, but your the only real one in here" and hugs me. The greys show up in the RV, they surround us. They communicate to me "You know. Forget"

9th Dream Fragment
Slime parasites have infested my home. They are green lil boogers all over the place it is hard to breathe. I am 26. They have infected the dog and my aunt. I go into my old room. My mother is asleep, she seems fine. Matter of fact all of the area seems fine and clear. I bring my dog in, the slime parasites disappears. I go and get my aunt and bring here in here too. The cell phone rings and it says it is Angela, and I think it my Boss's mom... she is mad at me. "Wait", I think to myself "Wrong era cell phone, plus Angela is not my mom's boss...."
A grey appears behind me it communicates "You figured it out. High Marks. You do well to serve your....", it barely has time to finish it thought. I am angry, my eyes glow red and my canines are already showing as I grab it by the throat and project my anger into it silencing the being. I began to change turning into a hybrid wolf, anthropomorphic. I say "Stop toying with me creature. Tell you masters I am no pawn. Either give me what you promised or I am done". Several smaller greys appear and begin to shock me with their wands. I am glowing red and there wands have no effects. I swat them aside. I toss the larger one aside and punch through the wall. I end up back at the American Psychology Museum in Hollywood again (6th Dream Fragment) in the museum. The whore of babylon is being used by Kenny Rogers and Lionel Richie, among another few celebs. People start screaming at my appearance. I go outside and here sirens coming. My POV shifts and I am running as a wolf, the paramedics hit me and I shift to human. POV shifts again and I am in my current werewolf form, shaking of the vision I just saw. I am so very very angry. I assume my true form, large dragon like wings come out from my back, and a long slender tail. I fly off in anger

Note: Wood Rabbit was very upset and slept for 13 hours. He was very depressed. Oddity though, it was confirmed that RV trips were to the beach. Something he was unaware of. Most of these are fragments.
Curious things. When Wood Rabbit and Earth Dragon are near, Wood Rabbit relaxes, on guard, but is relaxed and does not dream.

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