Friday, July 8, 2016

Update of Odd Week Stuff

Dates: 7/1/2016 to 7/6/2016
Type: CE4, OBE
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: Varies
Attempted Time of Sleep: 12:00am
State of Mind Before: Sad, Hurt (Aunt), Depressed, Sad (Me)
State of Mind After: Sad, Confused (Aunt), Tired (Me)
Odd occurrences before: Appearance with Aunt
Odd occurrences after: Uneasiness (Me)

As many of you my have noticed my reports and research have been becoming more infrequent. This is not due to the fact that things have quieted down, but my attention has been refocused on an other individual who I am trying to assist with his own experiences. These are being catalogued, but not on private record as it involves an other and things have gotten stranger.

I woke up experiencing an unusual rash/irritation at the base of my skull. It was sore, but there was no redness or inflammation and seemed to be sub-dermal. The discomfort persisted for several days up until sunday, 7/3/16.

During the week before 7/1/16 and after my aunt has been have instances in which a pair of greys have been walking into the house along the hallway. They have taken an interest and look at my dog and then walk into my aunt's room. They either look at here or come close to the bed and stare. Twice these beings also appeared as a mist.

The dog has not shown any unusual signs physical and seems okay. He has been stressed with food, but this may be due to the illegal fireworks being shot as it is around 4th of July.

When I attempted to go to sleep, I started hearing indistinct whispers. There have been several events tied to "Earth Dragon" that whispers have occurred. During one EVP session there was some whispers in the room. Additionally there was an incident last month in which we both heard my name called out. The entities he is involved with constantly bother him.
When I was experiencing this myself, I was beginning to make out what they were saying. However, I started to tun countermeasure with mental interference. The last things I want is more things happening that I can handle.

Around 5:00pm I decided to take a nap. Within the first couple of minutes I was thrown Out of my body. I had an Out of Body Experience. Although this is something I was hoping for I became frightened as I was momentarily locked out of my own body. I panicked as I started t worry about the following things
-How is going to take care of my aunt
-What about the dog
-There is no one here for help
-I am locked in my room

Eventually I managed to get back in and wake up. However as soon as I got in I got up and fell back and knocked out.
Odd thing to note...since I have been alone I have gone back to locking my bedroom door. I am bothered.

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