Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Aliens and Anal Probes

SMOSH LIVE did a small skit called the "Intergalacwhip" that touched upon one of the oldest tropes of the Alien Abduction Phenomena "Probing". However this is a rather touching and embarrassing subject and has not gone into much detail.

So what is an "Anal Probe"?

As most know this is one of those butt jokes we often see like on "South Park" where a male is often subjected to an anal examination with a dildo like apparatus. For most men this is a traumatic experience since it automatically bring ups issues of their masculinity since they often see this as act of penetration. Yet was is really going. An anal probe is simple medical "Rectal Exam" that doctors do to commonly check for prostate health, rectal issues such as polyps, tears in the wall, or hemorrhoids. We can also probably speculate that if a device is used, it is probably taking "Temperature", doing various fecal tests (Occult or Immunochemical), detecting anorectal malformations, or even measuring the muscle control of the anus.
Likewise it can be called a Cavity Search as well. These exams would provide valuable medical information.

With males however, it is more than likely a way of collecting prostate fluid (30% found in semen) that nourishes and protects sperm. In addition to Anal Probes, there is usually things done with the urinary tract and semen extraction as well. So more than likely an Alien Anal Probe is going in for the fluid that is vital in reproductive issues. 

What is interesting that concerning women, they do not have a prostate. Instead they have what is called a
Skene’s glands located at the end of the urethra. These glands secrete a fluid that is antimicrobial that keeps the urinary tract free from infections. So more than likely this gland fluid might have a number of uses? 

So when it comes to the Anal not a simple butt joke. There is a valid medical reason why.

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