Saturday, May 27, 2017

Dental Implant

When looking for my Wolfbrother, there was some odd activity going on that I did not log on here.
I honestly felt it was due to PTSD as a result in trying to help him. One of the things I do my best is to be self-aware and analyze unusual changes of behavior, as it is I tend to see reality a bit differently and as a person I tend to push through and come to a conclusion once things have been properly considered.
Several red flags showed up which was short-term memory mishaps (misplacement of objects), teeth grinding, and overheating. My body was reacting to the stress and event "loss" with this experience.

Now previously I was having some odd dreams and fearful reminders, but nothing that made any impacts. It was just general feelings of dread at night and waking up at 4:00am. It was the usual stuff, so I did not think much of it. However, when I was told my Wolfbrother was missing I went right away because I genuinely love him, however there was a part of me that was "NO STAY PUT" which was unlike me....but such stray thoughts I disregard. However as I did my sweep of the area, my tooth began to throb. It was loose and also lowered. It felt as if it was going to fall out. I honestly do not know why. I was more concerned with his safety and well being, but I kept monitoring the issue with the tooth. After his dad spoke with him, and I was banished....I returned him extremely depressed not only with my last encounter with my wolfbrother, but the situation in general. My tooth was loose and was throbbing, I figured it was from me possibly grinding my teeth. However a few days later.....after they came and then found tooth was ok. It was no longer loose, and it had firmly went back up. Even after a week has passed it is firmly in place??????? The fact it was causing me discomfort and now is normal is odd and is at a place I felt something was put in.

The location of this anomalous tooth behavior occurs in the upper right mouth in one of the bicuspid (4,5 on the map). It descended and I was able to wiggle it with my finger and tongue. It would vibrate as if it was hallow, when tapped. Now it is fine and firmly in place.
This is not the first time this has occurred with my teeth, a few months ago I reported that there was audio coming out of my mouth once. My teeth seemed to be act as a receiver.
Years ago, when cleaning my left molars, I noticed for a couple of days it was hallow. Some steak had got caught under it. I pulled the fragment of meat out. I examined it and it seems that I had a gap under that molar. I cleaned it as best as possible, and tapped it and it seemed fake. A few days later when I was about to make an appointment, the tooth felt different. It felt like a real tooth and there was not gap.
So, is something going on with my teeth? Are there other implants being periodically placed and removed?

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