Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Fat Blonde Man Returns

Date: September 10, 2017
Type: Dream, CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 1:30 am, 2:30am, 3:30am, 4:30am, 5:30am 
Attempted Time of Sleep:
12:30am (Me)
State of Mind Before: Depressed, Withdrawn (Me)
State of Mind After: Very Depressed, Very Withdrawn (Me)
Odd occurrences before: Insomnia, Kidney Issues
Odd occurrences after: Withdrawn, Confusion, Lonely, Emotionally distraught

(FYI As I am writing this around 3:30am there is a number of loud pops and noises around the house. Did a security sweep. Someone(s) outside)

This odd series of dreams were continuous despite me waking up every hour and arguing with someone that "I did not want to do this", "I want to go home with Wolfbrother".

Once again I am at a resort. My high school friends are there; Carlo, Alex, Daniel, and Jeffrey. As I saw them walk around and talk I wondered why I never saw Robert. Daniel came up to me and asked how I had been. I never talked much to Daniel as I had a crush on him, but he was being really friendly and asked if it was okay if I shared the room. He noticed that I was alone this time and my friend was not here.
I asked him who he was talking about, and he described my wolfbrother. I sort of became upset, and Daniel comforted me saying that he would keep me company this time. We would have a chance to get to know eachother better. However, like everyone else he soon forgot about me and was lost in the illusion of being in "Hawaii" on a "vacation". As the other began milling about to there pre-programed destinations I headed to the clinic.

The clinic was a facility that was about three stories tall. There was a stair well in the back that I could used to get inside. However this time the landing to the second floor was gated close. The third level was likewise fenced off. It wasn't time, in a few hours or days the building will alter. I had to wait till then. I returned to my room. Daniel came back in and needed to shower. He didn't notice me until he walked out naked while I was just laying in my bed. He asked what I was doing here, and I replied it is my room. He seemed to vaguely remember and asked if I was with him. I turned not to face him, and asked if he felt that in his heart.
He said no immediately, and I told him we are just sharing a room. He went to bed and started to sleep.
I was uncomfortable and went to the corner. Daniel asked in his sleep, "You miss him. I can here it so loud. Who is he Michael? Why are you in such pain?". I told Daniel "Thank you. SLEEP and FORGET", and walked outside. I did not want to be in the room, plus if he came back to rest the building would have changed.

I went back to the clinic and around toward the back. As expected the stairs morphed into a ramp and the gates and fences were removed. The doors were accessible. A doctor in a white lab coat was slowly making his way up the ramp and to the third floor. He was black, but with blue hair. He had a manic grin on his face and was unaware of where he was. He creepped me out and I decided to go to the front. There was a line of people just waiting outside to be processed. Most of them were in a daze, but a few people seemed vaguely aware. As I walked along the line of people, I saw Carlo and Alex by another building that had a market and restaurant. I walked up to them as there was a Filipino guy that seemed out of place. For some reason I wanted to say his name was Marjune. He recognized me and asked why was he here. I took a seat between Alex and Carlo. They were oblivious and explained that I needed a key he had.
The fat gay Filipino guy that was sitting with us outside the restaurant gave me the key. He was rather reluctant to do so, sad almost. As I left the group and made my way to the patio of the restaurant the patrons looked at me rather funny. They were out of place as well, unlike everyone else they were stiff and jerky in there mannerism of just being at a restaurant. There actions were almost mechanical. The patrons were all thin very white human-like beings with whispy blonde hair. Some of them had dyed there hair in green, blue, and pink for accents, and they all wore white elegant suits and dresses as it was a fine establishment. As soon as I entered they focused their attention on me, like a group of birds in unison. They were surprised that I was walking to the restaurant and actually entering. I could overhear the murmurs they were thinking... "How is he able to?", "Is he even human, what is he", "It's him". I ignored them and walked with a purpose and just thought "I am supposed to be here, ignore me" and went into the kitchen area and then toward the restroom.

The restroom was not a normal restroom per say. It was a closet size opening in which you had to then crawl down about 10 feet to a landing, and then walk a few feet and again crawl down a brick shaft. This ended up in a large locker type room with many of them walking around. The males that were here were putting away these collection devices. They were large glass bowl with a open cabbage in the middle. They were used to collect sexual secretions and other bodily fluids that were "sniffed". The devices collected an individuals "data", it was both medical and spiritual...from what I understood. One of them asked if I would like to sniff his collection devices, but I said "No" and almost threw up as it was exclusively female. It communicated and laughed "oh, your one of those specific types, jajajajaja". I made may way through this sub-basement level and along a main hall.

There were other rooms and there were exhaust, water, and electrical pipes along the ceiling. I made may way to a stairwell and ran up. It was a few flights around five, and I was winded. However I managed to get where I needed to be. The door was already open as some women were walking out. I didn't need the key after all. I gave it to them though, and walked in. Apparently I had been here many times.

This place was a massive warehouse and library containing millions of items (books, cd, dvds, artifacts, albums, etc.) There was a small tower within this massive storage space which served as the attendants living quarters which was about four stories high. The walls were made of glass so you could view the entire collection. However the individual I needed to see was on the roof, so I made may way up there.
Once I was on the roof, it was a massive airfield that looked out to a night sky.....and perfectly spaced in a grid like formation where thousand of pods. These pods held data, many were virtually reality programs and A.I.s. The one in charge of all this was a fat blonde man who teleported and floated about. Like the others, he was very pale with wispy blonde hair. His eyes were wide an darkest blue with black pinpoints. He seemed very manic in what he was doing, and I knew he had a tendency to be angry if displeased. As he was doing his thing, one of his servants came up an informed him that the lemon reduction cake would not be able to be made. A senator was visiting and the cooks would not be able to create the special cake. The fat blonde being was upset and disintegrated the servant.

It noticed me and was then in front of me. It looked at me curiously and with familiarity. "You are an interesting anomaly Michael, no matter how many times we do what we do, you are who you are. You remember don't you. You know who I am and what I am doing here." I did recognize him, I had helped catalogue the items below and have used some of them. I know that I am not normal and am some sort of experiment. I been here many times before. We have, my wolfbrother. It noted I was sad and upset at that particular recollection. We are always together. Yet this time we are not. It was not going to go into details, they were watching and they could here. He would not tell me who "they were", but wanted something as to the details of an item that I had catalogued. Once I identified and and let him know where it was located in the collection, he sent me back outside the restaurant. The Filipino guy who gave me the key was shocked I had returned. I told him I come here all the time, amd I am not exactly like him.....but I am not like them either as I gestured at the restaurant. He was surprised and mentioned "You see them too! No one else believes me". I told him about the blonde fat man, and that he had given him the key for me. This time he would remember, it is time for everyone to remember.

I need to find my wolfbrother.

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