Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Subject: Maternal Grandmother, Maternal Aunt (Mother's Identical Twin).
Date: 1986 to Present.
Location: Los Angeles, CA.

I have lived with my grandmother and aunt most of my life since the death of my grandfather. My grandmother and aunt are very spiritual and belive in god (catholic). They both would somewhat deny anything had every happened and believe they were spiritual in nature. My aunt was always to afraid to say anything except "You should pray to god", and my grandmother response was "it's demons", "see the devil is coming becuase you did something bad".

It wasn't until 1994 did I start to ask questions. My grandmother began to verify that things happened. Strange lights in the hallways, odd noises, and other things. My aunt likewise verified this. Currently when an event happens my aunt is witness to what has been going on, she can validate my claims. I usually ask her if anything unusual happened if belive that an abduction/visitation occured. She has so far proven reliable and was able to relate event for her perspective without hearing anhy of my information

Unable to verify further information since grandmother deceased as of 2000. Aunt is able to verify events to current.

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