Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Subject: Paternal Family
Date: Unknown
Location: Livingston, Greater Los Angeles Area, and Medesto, CA, as well as Arizona or New Mexico

My father had mental issues, as well as a history of drug abuse. Not much is known about his lifestyle as there were family problems.
His family came from the area of Medesto and Livingston. Their background was American Indian of an unknown tribe from the southwest. The survivors of their tribe was relocated by the US Calvary an moved to a reservation somewhere between medesto and livingston. Some family members were able to return to the New Mexico/Arizona regions.
Some tribes of the southwest claim contact with the "Star Tribe", extraterrestrials. Unknown whether or not my paternal heritage was one of these tribes that spoke of the phenomena.
Unable to verify heritage due to estranged association with paternal side of family, and the decimation of the tribe by the government of United States of America.

Unable to verify further information since grandmother deceased as of 2000. Aunt is able to verify events to current.

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