Sunday, October 5, 2008

Haunting 003

Date: 1986 to Current
Type: Shadows, Mist.
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: Dusk to Dawn.
Odd occurrences before: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Several local cemeteries.
Resolution: Attempts at banishing and warding with some success.

In the house there are numerous shadowy that I believe pass through our area. I live by several local cemeteries of varying faiths and elasticities. The area I live in was once called Sunnyside Heights, a Jewish community. The Wyvernwood area was once home to a Japanese-American community. The history of my area has no known great tragedies, but serves as an area for many as a final resting place.

Ever since I was young, I noticed humanoid shadows dart within the main hallway of the house. Our adjoining apartment also at one time had activity in it main hallway as well. My grandmother and aunt would report of shadows on the wall that had no source. As you have read my blog, you will also notice that there has been a high level of Alien Abductions as well. These are unrelated to the abductions as these "shadows" are spiritual and not physical. These shadows are just creepy at times and show sporadically. I believe these are just wandering spirits from the cemeteries.

Another odd occurrence was the "mist" ghost. This entity I believe is the only stationary entity here. It has appeared in two areas of the place. In large bedroom by the apartment it has appeared several times to more than one guest. It is a grey white mist visible in the dark or light. It usually hover along the edge of the ceiling and just fades out. Some guests have reported it hoovering just above the bed. When it has there was a noticeable cold spot. On one occasion in the garage, two of my friends saw the mist come from the rafters of the garage and just come down to where we were sitting and then just vanished.

The residence has been blessed in the past by a catholic priest. I myself have done my own wardings to some success. The mist creature has remained inactive, and it is unknown whether or not if it is still present.

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