Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sleep Paralysis-Aliens

I came across this web page concerning the Sleep Paralysis Phenomena. Although the site is influenced by the belief in the Kundalini (Chakras), it does have some interesting theories as to why this may occur.

Now as many fellow abductee may recount, some of us experience sleep paralysis in which we know that we are about to be abducted and duration of the experience. As the alien entities are familiar with the higher sciences, they may be manipulating or bio-electrical energy field through the tampering of the chakras. This would leave no trace of any chemically induced agents.

As we know through some examples, pressure points can be manipulated to cause a variety of odd bodily situations. We also know there are some audio/sonic vibrational factors that can also manipulate our systems. (The Ancient art of acupuncture has mapped the bodies Chi flow. This practice can demonstrate scientifically that a form of energy does flow through the body and can be manipulated. Also we have found that certain audio frequency can cause behavioral and physiological changes as well).

In most of my experiences I have been able to only break free a few times from some episodes. During most sessions I am only able to move slightly usually just able to wiggle a toe of finger. I have found personally that if you wiggle long enough the rest of the limb breaks free.
Another method that has worked but is scary is holding your breath, usually this causes the body to panic and rush adrenalin out. I have been able to do this only a few times when I am fully aware of a presence and i have not begun panic yet.

As far as for it spiritual link, I have yet to find a spiritual remedy that has worked.


  1. Good call because yes, in order for them to take us they do induce sleep paralysis. Most of my abductions were while camping (dirt bike riding) in the desert with my relatives.

    Aren't they great at mimicking what medical science already has a name for. Just more alien stealth is all.

    There is a way out of sleep paralysis though if you practice it. It's a psyche thing you do to yourself. Lengthy to explain and I have already posted it previously elsewhere so go here. It's a matter of slowing down and then breaking the of corollary discharge cycle.

    Sleep Paralysis

  2. Must re-read my comments before clicking publish. lol You'll get the idea.

  3. Yeah this has happened to me on several occasions, but I feel mine to be spiritual rather than extra terrestrial. When you come by next time remind me to tell you about one of my other dreams.
