Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Seal of Solomon and Nightmares Part 1

I had a very odd nightmare that has disturbed me on several levels and also made me learn something of myself as well... her is he nightmare as it played out. Be in mind that it continues from a period of sleep that i woke up from:
7:30pm Fell Asleep

I was hanging out with my boss and his partner at and outside area/park in the city lounging about going over the figures of the day and possible ideas on how we could improve business. Their personal assistant suggested we should go over to their home for my aunt birthday.

Apparently we went to the theatre all together, had dinner at their place, stayed over, spent the the next day together, and it was around 11pm when my boss brother asked why I seemed sad. I began to explain to him that it was my mother's b-day too and began to unload the sad state of affairs that my aunt and I lived in. Then I remembered we had left our dog by himself all this time. So I told my boss whom walked that I need to go and take my aunt home and see about my puppy and I would come back. My aunt was sad that the party was over and we had to go back to responsibilities. As we left the area I noticed that the landscape of the Dream was my usual landscape for the City of Honolulu when I dreamt about going there several years ago.

11:00pm Woke up phone rang and used bathroom
11:15pm Fell Asleep

We got home and my grandmother (deceased) was here and was upset that we had missed a party for my aunt that the family threw for her and my mom. I should put my aunt in her room and check the mess my dog did in my room. Oddly enough I walked to my old room (the problem room in the house). Sure enough there was a bag of bread on the floor and my stuff animal were strewn all over the place. As I began picking things up I turned the TV on. A thought ran through my head as I tasted the bread about a commercial that ensured freshness if you sprinkled this powder over things.
The TV played a show that starred myself, my old friends Carlo, Alex, and Robert. Apparently the episode was about us going over to Alex's home that was next store to Carlos' to play AD&D. Apparently Carlo's parents were away for the weekend, but there was a falling out between Alex and Carlos. Apparently someone from Carlos' family divorced a member from Alex's and there was tension. Carlos said we could go over to his home if there was any trouble. I changed the channel and there was a program about "Rosario" (from Wil & Grace) and she was helping her boss find treasure in a basement.
The power fluctuated. And I thought I should at least call my boss and tell them I wouldn't be spending the night again that i was tired and thank you for the great time. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my "stuff black lab" run on his own across the floor. I was like "awww??? wait that isn't right?". Power fluctuation again and I heard my
-ex's voice going "awww" from the television. Then my stuff black lab ran under the bed and ran out with a knife.
The door to the room closed. He was running around my feet not cutting me, but just running around with a knife.
A picked him up and took the knife away easily, put he forced himself toward me and I had to hold him back.
Then the other stuff animals "the tan gold retriever" and others started moving. Then my -ex's voice came on again saying the playful words we usual use with our toys "aaww how cute" ,"aww he loves you" "isn't he special" in a taunting way from the television as they began to jump me and attempt to strangle me.
I began praying to God, saying "in the name of Jesus" as they attempted to choke me and I was fighting back.
Nothing was working and I remember saying "that's it!". I quickly broker away from them and drew a hexagon in the air with my fingers and invoked "GOD's Hebrew Name" and forced that image forward. There was a blast of force. My stuffed animals were no longer attacking. The taunting voice from the TV had stopped.
I began to pick them up one by one and noticed that my "black lab" was missing.
I lay down on the bed exhausted from the ordeal ... and the comforter with thrown over my head. I could not move and there was yellow glowing light everywhere. I was paralyzed and it felt like my "stellar friends"... from the intensity of the light I could begin to see shadows above me. I managed to free one arm and forced it to swing hoping to free myself...

12:45am woke up

My initial thoughts were WTF!? I was bombarded with so many things. And what the heck was I using a Hexagon as an attack. It should of been a pentagram or something else.

1 comment:

  1. Then my stuff black lab ran under the bed and ran out with a knife?!

    And the rest of the aminals were attacking you?!

    NOOOOOOOOOOOO! They would never hurt you! They love u! What was Luke doing with that weapon? Thank goodness it was only a dream, because the real physical Luke would never wield such a thing. Luke is love, and even though he gets into with Jr. from time to time, he is a nice kind little puppy with a bit of a mischievous side.
