Thursday, September 3, 2009

What the Heck is going on?

This morning at 4:50am, there was an intense bright flash of light in the room with an audible "pop". At first I thought it was just my imagination, I was falling back to sleep and as soon as I was about to sleep a flash of intense white bright light went off.
It had no seem to emanate from everywhere. As I was exhausted.... I really didn't care that much but I was scared and soon knocked out. I woke up tired and scared.
I really didn't think much about it, but on the way to work it bothered me. I felt sick.

So I conferred with my other house person my aunt. She indicated that she witnessed the same event in the bathroom. She happened to be up and at that time there was a flash... it emanated from nowhere as well, it just was all around. Afterward she made her way to bed and fell asleep exhausted.

Now... one I am trying to dismiss this, but cannot find any reasonable explanation.
As many of you already know I suffer from Alien Abductions. Could this by it again...but no memory this time? They are being sneakier?

Or as one type of phenomena explains... could it be aerial bio-luminance? As far as weather is concerned it is hot, we have had fires around our city for almost a week straight. Supposedly a photogenic discharge can occur if the correct amount of N2 and O2 particles are in the air and are excited by and electrical discharge? That would cause a localized flash, but not one that appears in multiples rooms. We are talking about a simultaneous flash occur from my room my aunts room and the adjoining bathroom and hallways.

I know I am not crazy. There is an eye witness. Whats going on and why doesn't it stop :-(

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