Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Striking Back on the Metaphysical Levels....

After doing some research and seeing that the entity that appeared to my aunt was exerting more of a metaphysical influence I decided to fight back. Besides researching the "Abduction" phenomena of which I am already part of... I always had a keen interest in ancient history and science. Spirituality and Magic.

So I decided to renew the Wards I put in place a while back. Although I follow no particular tradition, I managed to erect some form of protection. All night of 1/4/2010 they were trying to get in, they noticed something was different and were cautious. Whatever they were doing they had trouble manifesting. However tapping could be heard outside on the walls and the roof every once in awhile.

The next night as I was going to bed my mind was racing trying to build something. In my head I was visualizing an amulet made out of Jade/Silver, inlaid with gold and enclosed in crystal.
Well oddly enough around 3AM something attempted to attack... and instinctively I used that amulet.... whatever was going on was some sort of mental battle... it ended with it vanishing. The position I was in when i was able to move around was odd especially since my hands was is a sutra position over my solar plexus chakra???

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