Thursday, July 29, 2010

Gaming: Perfect Dark

Perfect Dark actually was first released for the N64 back in the 90's. It was recently re-released with updated graphics and expanded story. The games started off as espionage, between rivals corporations and the government. It was a great game that offered a a fantastic story and gameplay.... until... you discover that alien technology is involved and there are MIB's. As the story get more complex you realize that the greys are involved!!!

They call themselves the Maens. Apparently they were captured, and several of their craft were reversed engineered. They were also studied and captured as well. During the game you befriend one and his name is "Elvis". Sadly as soon as the game got to this point I had to stop playing. It was just bothersome to see them on the screen. Despite my feelings this is an awesome game to play with a deep deep story you will come to love!.

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