Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Odd Ocuurance/Dream

Date: October 26, 2010
Type: Dream/Visitation
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 3:30am and 7pm-12pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: 12AM and 7pm
State of Mind Before: Melancholy (YLOD error for my PS3)
State of Mind After: Perplexed (Me), Aunt (scared).
Odd occurrences before: None.
Odd occurrences after: My Dream.
Possible Influential Factors: Sadness over Data Loss and PS3???

Well this will be in chronological order. I had my dream first (7pm-12pm), then I awoke to put my aunt to bed. That is when she told me about last night.......

So last night I put my aunt to bed around 11:45 pm. I was distraught because my PS3 got a fatal error.
I went to sleep sad. Never said anything to her. She says that around 330am she though she saw "me" come into the room to check on her. Yet she wasn't sure if it was me, becuase she recalls something "blue"coming in and then out. Whatever it was it happened to walk over the small fence at the door. Patrick was asleep on the bed when this happened. She was scared and watched TV until dawn. She did not mention this event when I saw her in the morning.

Late after I cam home from work. I fed her and went to sleep (still upset about my PS3). I had a very odd dream in which involved my reliving events with my family. During the dream my aunt suddenly told me "Have you heard from Hector? They have taken him too. They want me to come with them. They want me to go as they did with hector and you mom. Don't let them take me". That is when I woke up. Now I was puzzled by this and I will mention why. After I woke up I went to see me aunt and put her to bed....this is when she told me about the "Blue" thing last night.....

Now the reason why I am puzzled by this is two reasons:
1) I had a dream in which my aunt was referring to "then" again. When I next speak to her she tell me of another encounter.
2) My Aunt and Mother's cousin, Hector used to stay here in this house for a bit during his youth. One time he tried to run away. He grew up to be a professor at a major college, and was a very spiritual man who delved into many philosophies until coming back to Christianity. I am wondering if there was an event that had happened that my aunt recalls when she was younger involving our cousin? Unfortunately the extended family is unable to be contacted to question. Also why would I get a dream about a past event? I do not like going on hunches. I won't press on this, but just noting.

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