Sunday, January 1, 2012

Gravity Fluctuations & Missing Time

Missing time, abductions, and the probability of an events that takes hours but done in minutes can be explained away with the Theory of Gravitational Time Dilation. Our research into physics over the past hundred years have bought out new and recovered theories regarding space and time. One of the components to the alien abduction phenomena is missing time.

"Missing Time" is a state in which some abductees report to have. Basically it is a period of unknown time, in which some activity/event has occurred but cannot be readily recalled. Most believe that this is simply the individual inability to remember events during that "time period" becuase of physical or psychological mechanism (short term memory loss, sleep disorder, hypnotic interference, etc). However, there is other type of missing time in which relative time is either lengthened in or shortened in which the individual vividly recall events that have occurred. These cases is where outside observers can no longer locate and individual during that time period, but the individual is fully aware that they have not changed position.

With abductions, right before the initial appearance of these and afterwords, there are some odd phenomena associated with them. Sometime clocks can be off, sound does not travel properly, or things behave physicals strange (water not flowing, electricity not working, vision blurred). What is interesting is that the events of the abduction seem impossible given the time period allowed... abducting an individual and conducting interactions and then placing the abductee back. How can all this occur within just a few minutes or hours?

Gravitational Time Dilation may have occurred. A localized gravitational change could have initiated in order to produce the abduction experience. An increase of gravity would initiate an incremental increase of the flow of relative time. An decrease of gravity would initiate an incremental decrease of the flow of relative time.
So is it possible that the mechanism that these visitors use for travel through space can also be used to affect localized relative time? If an alien ship with an active engine using FTL technology that manipulate gravity can cause an secondary effect of manipulating the localized time. Since it is using the engine to create a field of low gravity it would cause time to slow down for individuals within the area.

The theory of Gravitational Time Dilation was first described by Albert Einstein. Which tries to explain why time passes at different rate when effected by gravity. The theory has been proven with the use atomic clocks that have been placed at different altitudes that have been synchronized. When checked at a period further down, these clocks have become out of sync illustrating that gravity had  a potential effect on the passage of time.  

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