Monday, March 5, 2012

Spring 2012 Updates

So far since 11/11 activity has stopped. Neither my aunt or I have been recently disturbed by an "visitors"
Hauntings are still occurring, but are infrequent as well. The phenomena of ghostly steps in the hall is still occurring.

The only notable thing was an incident on 2/16/2012 around 12 am. I was falling asleep when a strong breeze entered my room and there was some type of small wavy white light in the room. It was like a line of light about 14 inches long. I was too scarred to move and just watched it. It lasted for about seven minutes as I could see the clock. When the breeze stopped I got up and check the bathrooms, front door, and rest of the house. Nothing. The breeze and light have happened before but in conjunction with a visitation. Such an event like this can be either a haunting or visitation.

The other odd thing that has occurred in the pat few weeks have been some physical changes, mostly I would assume due to normal bodily functions... but noting since they are related issues to the phenomena.
The past two weeks my abnormal high temperature has been running at a steady low fever, left eye lost focus for most of the morning for a day, and been having trouble sleeping. Now the low fever I know is from an existing condition from my kidneys...but the temperature is unusual. The left eye I have reported has been tinkered with by them. Now I have done research in to explainable causes for this. The constant fever might cause and epileptic response, temporarily blurry my vision. However, with the contact fever...the issue should have lingered longer. There were no evident epileptic attacks during my fever.

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