Saturday, March 2, 2013

Double Incident

Date: March 2nd, 2013
Type: CC4, CC5
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 4:15am-4:25am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2:04am (Me)/1:14am (Aunt)
State of Mind Before: Happy, Cautious, Pensive "No Job" (Me)/Sad, Lonesome (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Alert, Scared, Paranoid (Me)/Shaken, Scared, Confused (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Blue Planet Project info discovered, Previous Encounter, loud cracking above the bed just before sleeping.
Odd occurrences after: Land Line Rings at 4:28am
Possible Influential Factors: Previous Encounter (Me)

   Since the last event I been apprehensive about going to sleep and have been taken precautions. I have altered my sleeping patterns as well, however its is taken a toll on my body, the unusual activity of my sleep patterns. My aunt has been the same way, reluctant to go to bed. I been doing my best to keep things as normal as possible despite our dwindling resources. Before I put her to bed she mentioned that she felt lonesome, that she just wished someone else lived us. with so she could feel safer and I wouldn't end up alone. This was probably due to a discussion we had early in the week regarding my plans if she passes away.

   Tonight I was generally in a good mood and went to bed, my body felt thoroughly exhausted. Around 1:14am I put my aunt to bed, and around 2:04am I went to bed. I did my usual precautions as I was exhausted. Tonight I actually had a dream, but it was annoying since it was about family, friends, co-workers, my hobbies, my interests (it was if I was being questioned but in an interactive scenario with said subjects. It was rather methodical and sequential for a dream.) At one point I stated "I am not doing this anymore I do not wanna discuss these things", and I woke up in my bed. I was still groggy, and thought I heard footsteps and the sound of a breathing, but feel asleep since I was so exhausted. It was odd that I said that for a dream, and it continued as if nothing happened and was immediately presented with another scenario/question. In a mall setting were the dream continued I was presented with my former boss from two years ago "EB". I was then introduced to his twin and was asked if I could tell them apart. What is odd, was this time I could tell someone was asking a question in tandem with the scenario. I explained to him that the copy that was made was flawed and the reasons why I could tell them apart. Seems that by answering them directly, they stopped whatever illusion was gone one. Things went dark in the dream and I had a feeling projected of "interest". That was again when I woke up in my bed. I was groggy, but quickly felt for the precautions I had. I heard movement within the room, the light from the computer was blocked again by something. I could not move. I began to her soft music which sounded like my MP3 player and felt that I was falling back asleep. However at the same time this was happening by body stiffened, but because of something I had it started to shake violently, I was momentarily hovering an inch above the bed, with things shaken. The music shifted from a tranquil melody that had being playing, to static, then to something aggressive "Crawling in My Skin" by Linkin Park. At this point I heard "Something is Interfering, send another there". I thought I was just having a really weird dream.....

This is where it made it too real. At this time when my incident occurred my aunt began yelling for me and screaming for help like I told her too if something occurred. What ever was happening to me slowed and stopped and the music cut out. The being that was blocking the light from the computer moved, as I could see the light again. I jumped out of bed and dashed to her room.

   According to her, around 4:10 she was woken up because she heard something in the hallway and felt that something was in the room. She attempted to turn on her radio, but had trouble moving. She then remember something pulling her out of her chair. It was lifting her forward, but she started to scream and that when it started to push her back (this happened right after with the vibration and "Something Interfering" Line") Since she was put back wrong and falling off the chair she was in danger of falling, so she really yelled. I entered the room and she was partial hanging on to the chair. I was partially dressed and armed, quickly covered myself with a blanket, and helped her back on the chair. She was visibly shaken and terrified. She said that something was here, and hoped that I would see it. She said that she heard something and tried to put on the radio so it would go away, but she couldn't move and it started to lift her up. She was crying and she wanted to leave, and suggested we should move. She started babbling as above....
After a few minutes I managed to calm her down a bit. I explained to her what had happened to me after I had her clearly explain what happened with her. She was still visibly shaken and scared, to snap her out of it I had to be exact in what I was saying.

I used the exact words about what happened to me and who they were. Usually to keep calm with myself and her I use words like "Incident Occurred" and "them", but to snap her out of it and get her to think rationale I had to say what happened. This undermines my false bravado, as it makes the emotional aspect of this come to front were I am emotionally compromised momentarily. In the end I managed to calm her down. We are both awake and scared.

What happened tonight is a sad reminder of the reality we are experiencing. Whatever occurred was a botched attempt. Whatever they were doing was disrupted by my interaction in the scenario/dream and the precautions I took. It further fell apart when my aunt started screaming as well. There are somethings I find rather disturbing, as my aunt bought up our isolation and my questioning about relationships. Since there are very little links we have, none would suspect anything.

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