Saturday, April 13, 2013

Our Expanding Mircocosm

17th Century Reproduction of 14th Century Map
   There are a great many theorists, physicist, and other learned individuals who have set up notions, statements, theories about the question of intelligent life in the universe. Whether you are a skeptic or a person who believes to have experienced/support the idea of intelligent life, the idea is a hot topic for debate.

   Those in the camp of the skeptics claim if they had the means to, "Why would they?". They claim that if they were to arrive it would be for resources, colonization, experimentation, conquest, etc. If they arrived here in the past, "Why did they leave". Was it because of climate change, revolt from within, strife within their own communities, plague, natural disasters? If so where is the evidence of their passing? Surely it would be within the oral or written records of the many cultures and civilizations on our planet.

   They also claim that due to the distance factor of space, the observational data they have collected, and with our current understanding of mathematics and technology that the probability of visitations from intelligent life are very low. This is the "How they would", and that involves the whole UFO thingy.

The Why they most likely visit....
Think of what we modern human do in the name of science. Three channels on cable/TV are prime examples...."Animal Planet", "History Channel", "National Geographic". If you ever watched a documentary on Wildlife, Flora, or just the beauty of our amazing planet you know that there are teams of dedicated individuals that go exploring and documenting. These teams are funded from various organizations (governmental, personal, private, and corporations) and some are independent researchers. Each has a specialty or motive for documenting and exploring the environment and creatures of this planet. However in all this we forget one thing, to look outside ourselves and see what other perceive we are doing.

For example, let say I am a shark. I live my life normally. I swim, hunt, fish, and mate. I know the waters of swim in. One day from up above I am suddenly caught, I am dragged and forced to swim to the surface of the see. There strange beings put me on a craft, they don't realize how much harm they are doing to me. For a time, they are sticking thing in me. I do not know what is going on. After a while they let me go and I swim away. as a shark I feel something is following me. A few months, perhaps a year later this happens again. From the sharks perspective they were abducted by another species in a craft they could not conceive..... 

Another example you might relate to is that of a Polar Bear. Most of your life you live in your own world of seasons. Every once in a while you may spot strange things in the sky or off in the distant. You know that there are strange creatures out in your world, and you stay far away from them. One day these strange creature in there vehicle do something to make you sleepy. They poke and prod you. Then they let you go. You know these strange creatures follow you sometimes, they are always watching. You can hear them, but don't know what they are saying. Some of the other bears, not many though have also had encounter with them. You know because of the odd yellow tag on their ear.

Yes... from the point of view from our own scientific quest of understanding, we are an alien species that comes and abducts them. However, because of our own arrogance and superiority we never really consider the POV of the creatures we observe. The simple reasons why they come, is most likely the same reason why we do things.

The How they visit us......

50000-40000BC Asian nomads migrate to north America via Bearing Land Bridge
20000 Oldest recorded site in North America
4000BC Sumerian Late Copper Age
3500BC Dawn of Meso-American Civilization
3300BC Egyptian Bronze Age Begins
3200BC Aegean Bronze Age Begins
3100BC Asian Bronze Age Begins
3000BC Indus Valley Bronze Age Begins
2155BC Oldest Metal Meso-American artifact dated
356BC Alexander the Great "Greek" in Indian
400 Polynesians arrive at the Hawaiian Islands.
992 Estimated by Viking records the first European contact with North America.
1241 Catholic Church Reaches Mongolia
1241 Russia reaches Mongolia
1271 Marco Polo reaches China 
1405-1433 China explores southeast Asia, Indian Ocean, and Eastern Africa by sea. 1418 or earlier, China makes contact with western North America via the Great Fleet.
1492 European History records the first crossing of the Atlantic Ocean.
1519-1522 European History records first circumnavigation of the world by Magellan.
1606 Dutch contact with Australia.
1778 Hawaii located by Europeans.
1872 Marianna Trench Sounded
1969 "First" person to visit our moon.
1977-1989 Voyager probes complete solar system mission and drift beyond system
2008 TauTone Mine reports deepest drilling by humans
2012 Bottom of the Marianna Trench reached

This is just a brief list of accomplishments that humans have made in exploration. The chronology is brief, but it shows that it has taken us some 6,000 year to come to a point in which we developed the technology and knowledge to travel around the world within a day (New York City to Hong Kong in 16 Hours), to the moon (Manned 3 Days/8 hours Unmanned) , we have satellites and telescopes that can see galaxies and pinpoint a person on earth, and have almost near instant communication via the net across the globe! Not to mention we have managed to build devices in the last few decades that have allowed us to travel to the deepest known part of the oceans and land. The vast macrocosm of the world has shrunk into a convenient microcosm of earth as we know it to day.
Heck in my home city of Los Angeles, people from the east coast and Europe are amazed when driving in Los Angeles. To us a drive from Los Angeles to Sand Diego is nothing, about 2 hours... Las Vegas or sand Francisco about 5 other places that is a journey...but for us it is just a small road trip. "It's all relative to you POV", as I think one of his most famous theories goes. Space and Time can be subjective! Okay... I know I am going into the wonderful world of physics....

Schrödinger's cat

Twin Paradox

Basically our world view is evolving and expanding, the more we know the smaller the world gets. When we make a bigger discover the universe seems to be a larger space. It's like being in a village, then realizing you are in a county, which is part of a region, which is part of a country, that is on a continent, that is on a planet known as earth, in a big... big... universe. So some day interstellar travel may be a probable convenience.

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