Thursday, June 13, 2013


   Some people employ this technique to deal with the trauma of alien abduction. It can be used for relaxation or memory regression, however many people are skeptical of its practical application. From accepted Psychologists to spiritualist and mystic, these techniques have proven effective in many ways. However the science behind that are not necessarily understand by many.

   It is shown that our brain manages our behavior and thoughts on several levels. When  we are actively awake and aware, we are considered to be in a conscious state. When we are asleep however the brain begins to process in an unconscious and sub-conscious state. It is in that state in which our thoughts and experiences are analyzed, reviewed, and categorized. Most of us are unaware of this state or process which is going on, but it is thought that during this state of activity is which when experience dreams. During this state it is all believed that were are susceptible to influence as our senses are still sending data to our brain.

   Psychologists and scientists, as early as Franz Mesmer (1774) to Sigmund Freud (1895) and beyond have researched and utilized hypnotherapy. Many found the techniques helpful in probing the mind, by inducing a trance like state in which the subject could be coaxed to behave in a more agreeable fashion. In these fields they were able to replicate and incorporate meditation and relaxation techniques that allowed a subject to enter into a trance like state. Their they were able to calm individuals suffering from anxiety and depression by conveying a state of peace and calm, where able to relax a subject so they could comfortably share experience and memories, and allow a person to freely imagine by tapping into the unconscious and subconscious desires. It is commonly used within cognitive-behavioral therapy to help condition people to behave in more acceptable and healthy activities.
   Many though viewed this as a parlor trick, as such techniques were used by many would be practitioners of mysticism and illusionist. Show goers would coaxed into a trance like state in which they were instructed to behave in odd fashion. It was feared that a person under hypnotic suggestion could be possessed and controlled, harking to the story of monsters and evil witches. Some viewed that many subjects at such shows gave into to a crowd mentality or akin to what is called religious hysteria. Further it was believed that one could cause false memories in a subject, fabricating events or confusing ones memory to become vague.
As mentioned above, it can be used for conditioning which can make people believe or behave differently than they would. It is that fear of the loss of control and personal identity that many people distrust hypnotism. In the context of abductions, some level of hypnotism is used to cause individuals to experience memory loss or fabricate false memories.

   The hypnotic state can be induced by visual or audio components. Lights and sound can put an individual into a trance like state. An individual can also be induced into such a state as well by chemical stimuli, either ingested, contact, or inhaled. Usually these are either sedatives that will relax an individual or a psychotropic compound that cause the individuals perception to become distorted in some fashion (hallucinations). Also a trance like state can be achieved through the use of tactile stimulation reflexology (massage) or through one of the major meridians (acupuncture). It is important to note that different people may not be susceptible to certain techniques. In addition many individuals will resist, often leaving people in different trance like states. These states can range  from complete failure (meaning no trance) to full control.
  So when your hypnotized what is going on... well that is where it gets tricky. We can demonstrate the different brain wave activities going on, we can also demonstrate that the activities in certain parts of the brain can be decreased in order to impair motor functions, we can also demonstrate creating false memories by using active imagination, and cause an individual to become more susceptible to suggestion. So yes, these techniques are real and have been measured through science, but there isn't anything extraordinary about this. Our brain works in quirky ways we are just beginning to understand. It is a complex system that is influenced by our social groups and cultural. It expands its area of interest by the experience we have, real or imagined. That is the key component! Experience....what is imagined experience!

  Our Eyes and Ears are two source of data points the brain utilizes to observe experiences. Experiences can be gained Vicariously through observation such as reading, listing to audio, or simply watching a movie. You do not physical participate in the actual experience, but your brain registers as if it dead. To your brain this is real. Imaginary experiences are fictional events that do not occur, like a movie or television series.  Our brain to some extent knows this event has not occurred, but the experience  very much as real. It is this "Imagined Experience" that many people point to when we discuss individuals who go in for hypnotherapy. It is feared that false memories can be created, suggested by the hypnotists by suggesting events or letting the individuals imagination run wild.
  Is this the case? Most likely not, because those that do often do not have a reference point to imagine or have a suggestion to take place. See the mind has to have reference for imagination. It has to have seen or experience a situation to make sense of it. If not it fills the memory with its own interpretation as best as it can. Which means that each individuals would have its own perception of an object. For example we know an orange to be an orange because we all agree what it is and we all agree on its perception. However a person who had no idea what an orange is would describe it in a context unique onto themselves. Hypnosis has shown in the context of Alien Abductions, that most individuals are seeing something common, are experiencing something that is relate-able, and not something unique.

  If interested in the way quirky way your brain works try checking out National Geographic's show called Brain Games.  You may be surprised to know how your brain operates! Also do some deeper research into hypnotism, the topic is very deep an extensive with a lot of opinions on the matter.

Do I trust hypnotherapy? No. The reason why is because I see no need for it in my personal life. I already have memory recall. It's partial, but of the stuff I do remember I honestly do not want to delve any further. I know most of my memories are suppressed, but it may be for good reason as a defense mechanism. I do not see the point in delving any further. Additionally I do trust third parties, nor do I have anyone I can say that I would trust as an neutral observer.

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