Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Self Experiment: Mood/Behavorial Change "THC" #01

Start Date: 10-29-13
Start Time: 1:30am

Dosage: 1 Standard cigarette length, strain type "The Don". Average potency of 16% THC. 

Hypothesis: What would mood behavior characteristics would result compared to abduction or ghostly experience?
Using a a known substance to induce anxiety, paranoia, mood alterations, etc., could I reproduce these experiences?
According to the expert who administered the dosage, onset should be within 5 min after completion of a 1/4 dosage. Symptoms may last for a few hours/minutes that may/will include giggling, hunger, thirst, sexual arousal, paranoia, anxiety, or drowsiness. Behavior and Mood Alteration is a key aspect to look for.


10-28-13, 4:00pm: Dinner consisting of 2 baked potatoes and 1/2 cheeseburger.

10-28-13, 5:00pm: Nightmare. Attempted sleep.

10-29-13, 1:30am: Experiment started.

10-29-13. 1:35am: Administer felt full normal affects with standard 5 minute window. Subject no change of perception or moods. "The Don" has a toasted marshmallow flavor, and taste was of a oolong tea leaves. The smoke itself was smoothe, with little to no burn at all in throat or nasal cavities.

10-29-13, 1:40am: Full Dosage completed and shared with Administer. No Behavior or mood changes with my subject noted.

10-29-13, 1:42am: Administer displayed physical characteristics of Dry Mouth and Glass Eye. Drank 2 8oz glasses of water. Administer was euphoric and relaxed. Physical check by administer and subject, no redness or gloss in my eyes.

10-29-13, 2:00am: Slight physical affect of sweaty palms. No mood or behavior alterations on my part. Cognitive abilities no change, syntax no change, no visual impairment.

10-29-13, 2:15am: In professional opinion of the Administer. "This mother fucker is immune to the effects of THC."

10-29-13, 2:30am: No effects.

10-29-13, 3:00am: No effects.

10-29-13, 3:30am: No effects.

10-29-13, 3:45am: No effects. Alien imagery passed on youtube, normal reaction and hypersensitivity demonstrated by subject.

10-29-13, 4:00am: No effects.

10-29-13, 4:15am: Physical Exercise. No delayed reaction performance, balance normal, flexibility normal,
endurance test normal. Likewise no internal physical changes such as shortness of breath, upset stomach, or headache, or light headed.

10-29-13, 5:00am: No effects. Administer in awe that no effects physical or otherwise apparent.

10-29-13, 5:05am: No effects. Breakfast of eggs, hash browns and sausage burrito served to subject. Administer had three sausage biscuits with egg, and two hash browns. Administer assured that no delayed results will occur, onset is immediate or within the 5 minute window. Height/Body Weight and metabolism is not that great a factor in chemical process and absorption.

10-29-13, 5:30am: No effects.

10-29-13, 6:00am: No effects.

10-29-13, 6:30am: No effects.

10-29-13, 7:00am: experiment window closed.

Results: This would be considered inconclusive do to the fact that "NO" Behavior/Mood Alterations occurred.The Administer provided a potent strain that should have yielded immediate and visible results.
The Administer has a good tolerance, and has been a prolonged self-administer and is a certified expert into the agricultural and pharmaceutical aspects/applications.Inconclusive is given as subject may be most likely and individual who does not display the symptomatic effects of THC. Subject is label "abnormal", and will be further tested upon using a more potent method at a later time.

Although the experiment is inconclusive as to Behavioral/Mood alterations, it does answer a possible question in the relation to THC and alien abduction. As noted resistance to abductions have increased, onset and length paralytic and disorientation have lessened. Does a higher than average abduction/visitation occurrence build a resistance to THC?  If THC is used as a component as theorized with excited argon discharge (blue light) and naturally occurring DMT levels produced during REM.  

Note: Kidney issue should not have had an impact in THC absorption. It is noted that alcohol has no mood/behavior effects, but only known physiological effect include slight increase to body temperature.
Medically speaking, a normal dosage for anesthetics does not result normally. Gas and injection require high above dosage. 1.5 normal dosage required to achieve a minimal result. A total of 2.25 x normal amount is needed to put subject under full sedation.

According to the administer, he followed up with several individuals to determine why there was no effect.
It is believed that there are two reasonable explanations, 1) The CB receptors are not yet fully stimulated to react to and introduction of new endocannabinoids, 2) Subject's own natural production of endocannabinoids is extremely high which have filled up all available receptors.

It was stated that in to determine what the case is, subject has to do more so that the receptors can be flooded and stimulated properly, or that a higher percentage/more potent dosage of THC is introduced into my system.

However, from this information it would seem that there might be a correlation between a form of abduction with paralytic qualities that I have been experiencing and the fact that a form endocannabinoids may have been overused... either through the use of the excited argon which I theorize or from the odd smell they seem to have?

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