Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Noises in Living Room

Date: 1/26/2015
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 3:45am-4:10am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 12:00am (me)\12:00am (aunt)\12:30am (Guest )
State of Mind Before: Extremely Depressed, Tired, Mental Exhaustion (Me)/Sad, Depressed, Pain (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Extremely Depressed, Sad, Sleepy (Me)/Sad, Depressed, Sleepy (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Odd noises

Odd occurrences after: Noises.
Possible Influential Factors: None.

I had a difficult evening with my aunt. She had complications and wasn't very cooperative while attending to her. My frustration level is at an all time high and I am trying to keep calm. I am also extremely depressed. What is pushing it over is the smell from a scented lotion that won't come off my hands.... it is annoying and making me even more uneasy. Even putting her to bed was not good as she put more lotion.... more smell. Had to change my clothes. Smell won't come off. I feel sick.

Went to bed early than my guest around 12:00 am. I really don't feel good on all levels. Physically I feel exhausted, mentally I just want to write and not be here anymore...., and emotionally I feel so dead. At forced myself to sleep.

At 3:45am I am awakened by something. I feel uneasy as if someone was in the room. I looked to the doorway, but notice nothing unusual. I did see a momentary flash of light. Just a small silver white pinpoint in the bathroom. I cover myself again, apparently all my covers were off. This is not unusual do to the high body temperature I have. As it is I had to sleep with the fan on. As I am burning up again.

When I do get up to attend to my aunt in the morning. She tells me around 4:00am she was awakened
by the sound of someone in the living room. They were conversing in a weird language. It went on for
about 10 minutes. I asked her for more details, but only thing she asked if I heard it too. Only thing I told her was that I awoke at 3:45am and felt uneasy and forced myself back to sleep. I asked her what it sounded like, she says it is heard to say because it wasn't really sound. I think she was picking up on their communication by accident.

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