Friday, July 10, 2015

The Burden of Proof: Subject Contamination

   Another thing to consider is Subject Contamination. It would be ideal to identify factors that may have influence or can make a subject more susceptible to the subject at hand. These factors should not invalidate any claims or the credibility of the subject, should be noted. Those with a high contamination factor should be considered carefully. It is really important that you attempt to get the objective narrative of the experience as possible. There are various factors one can consider, but I believe the following are a group of the most common factors:

Contamination Factors

Biological: Individual has a medical, viral, disability, or other physical impairment that may alter the subjects perception or sensation. Data retrieved by this means must be considered carefully as the experience may be misinterpreted as a symptom or effect of the biological issue.

Psychological: Individual has one or more personality or behavioral disorders, or scarring from previous traumatic events. The subject current behavior and personality issues may contribute with the ability to convey an experience accurately and objectively. Some disorders may even lead one speculation that
an experience is manufactured in the sub-conscious. Individuals who have suffered traumatic experience such as physical or emotional abuse, PTSD, or have esteem issues may relate fantastic experiences as a cover to a real event. The mind may protect an individual by creating a fantasy scenario that is easier to cope with the truth.

Substance: Individuals who have a history of drug, herbal, and alcohol abuse are under the influence of the chemicals they have ingested.  The subject is in an altered state, in which congestive functions are skewed and the sensory information is inhibited or exaggerated. Many substance induce sensory and cognitive hallucinations as well.

Social Media: Most humans have a group/peer mentality. We are meant to be social individuals. However depending on one assertive/submissive rating, we can be more susceptible to certain people. Often going with the consensus to the group to fit in or looking to an authoritative figure. People are more plugged into the news of friends, family, trends, celebrity news, gossip, etc.

Media: Part of the human experience is our ability to share and create experiences. Individuals can be influenced by popular culture by way of literature, art, television, movies, music, radio, internet, or whatever popular medium is available. In particular the narrative of UFO/Alien Abduction is a part of popular
culture.In the past 60 years the level of interest in the subject matter as science and entertainment has taken an interest to many. Some would say that over the past 60 years, we are conditioning ourselves with accepting the idea of the subject matter.

Lifestyle: Various lifestyle profession and activities do influence certain behaviors that may cause researcher to question the behavior of someone involved. An example of are:
-Actors: These individuals have a natural talent of deception. By trade, they are professionals liars and manipulators, skilled in making situations and emotions plausible.
-Writers: These individuals are intelligent and imaginative. They can easily craft reasonable experiences or embellish existing ones.
-RPG players: Individuals are casual individuals with a strong imagination, can invent and participate in a group scenario. They are skilled at being empathic too a degree and can read a room or situation for ques as how to react. The often have highly observational skill and deductive reasoning or just like detach from reality.

-Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Mystery Fans: Individuals with a healthy interest in these genres by association
make them more susceptible to experience as are vicariously familiar with it..
-Scientist/Experts: These individuals are learned and can manufacture evidence or have the ability to rationalize any given situation.
-Celebrity: These individuals with have an interest in fame and attention. They will often lend their influence as an authoritative or supportive figure. By rallying to a cause or subject they can affect public interest.
-Level of Interest/Knowledge of Subject Matter: Personal expose or research may have influence the individual with too many variables.. Justification and Rationalization are tool these individuals use to discuss the matter. A scientist and researcher may be more objective, but individuals like this may be very subjective.
-Personal Belief System: An individuals personal belief system may override logic and reason. Certain beliefs will cause individuals to rationalize experience within the terms of their belief system.

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