Saturday, September 12, 2015

Other Accounts: Earth Dragon #007

Date: 9/11/2015
Type: CE4
Location: Castiac Lake, CA
Time of Incidents: 12:00pm (Estimate)
Attempted Time of Sleep: 6:00am
State of Mind Before: Thoughtful, Tired (Individual)
State of Mind After: Neutral (Individual)
Odd occurrences before: None.
Odd occurrences after: None
Possible Influential Factors: Asking for a sign.

Earth Dragon before going to bed was watching a Youtube video about Black Blood.of the Earth, a dark viscous fluid that is believed to be sentient, demonic, or alien in nature. He went to bed afterwards, and since it has been very hot it has been best to rest during the day as much as possible.

During this time while he was alseep he was awakened and their were three individuals in his room around his bed. He was in his room, but it was not his room and felt like it was closed off from the rest of the world.
It was cool here too which was different and it was during the day...just as it would be. He was naked on his bed and was able to move around freely, and he was rather calm and childlike in his demeanor. When they leaned over closer to the bed he could see that the cloaked beings were "Greys". One was tall above 6' + and the other two were rather small. Earth Dragon began to ask them a series of questions, and also askd them not to intrude his mind and make illusions/probe. There are only two questions that Earth Dragon remembers that got a response:

Q1. What is your name? A1: Loki.
Q2. Am I going to loose my soul? A2. No.

It was an in depth conversation, but he cannot remember anymore. He woke up only becuase the little "Greys" started to touch him.

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