Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Other Accounts: Earth Dragon #008

Date: 9/16/2015
Type: CE4
Location: Castiac Lake, CA
Time of Incidents: 5:00am (Estimate)
Attempted Time of Sleep: 3:00am
State of Mind Before: Thoughtful, Tired (Individual)
State of Mind After: Neutral (Individual)
Odd occurrences before: Wood Rabbit and Earth Dragon napped in the evening in his room.
Odd occurrences after: Sore Ribs. Wood Rabbit had an Intense Dream
Possible Influential Factors: Asking for a sign. Watching Ancient Aliens with wood Rabbit

Earth Dragon and Wood Rabbit spent the day together. Watched Ancient Aliens until 1:00am.
Wood Rabbit left and went home. Earth Dragon eventually fell asleep around 3:00am.

It was very warm that day and as usual as the fan on in the room for circulation. Earth Dragon awoke feeling that there was a presence in the house. He noticed that his fan was slowing down an stopped. He could see his clock. It felt like the power had cut off. The door started to open.

In the doorway there were two beings. One was a grey about 4' to 4' 1/2" and it had a wand thing in its hand. There was a taller being behind it and it was about 5'11" to 6'. There was a blue nimbus of light around them that had some density to it, it was trying to envelope the room. The outer edges of the light were faded, but the the light closest to them was a deep pale blue.

Earth Dragon immediately moved from his bed and said "I will go with you. Just don't hurt me". He felt like he regressed to a state of innocence and childhood. The scene jumped from him being on the bed to him standing by the doorway. He did not really recall how he got from the bed to the doorway.
They walked out of the room and he blanks out.

He is in his bed wide awake and it is around 6:00am, he knows something big happened. They showed up. He should get up and write this down. He remembers everything.... but as soon as he tries to remember... everything slips away. It was very important and they did a lot of stuff.

Note: During this time Wood Rabbit had a rather vivid and disturbing dream. Basically it was about Wood Rabbit and how he was being used. There is a connection to Government and Secret Societies. Wood Rabbit is somehow more that what he appears to be. Elvis is present. Additionally Wood Rabbit and Earth Dragon share some sort of past... in a program. They are also very close. They are both trying to escape.
Wood Rabbit finds himself at a meeting in where he is not supposed to be. Someone is giving him clues and instructions, Elvis realizes this and says that why "Wood Rabbit" is a keeper.... he keeps wandering off and keeps falling off the program. Wood rabbit is deeply and emotionally hurt after this. Recovers by 6:00pm

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