Saturday, September 12, 2015

Screen Memories and Dreams

Over the course of my life I have experienced abductions and other haunts. When I sleep the I will either have no dreams (70%), have an abduction (15%), have a nightmare (5%), dreams (5%), or process information (5%). Ironically what most consider a nightmare is not the same for me, my nightmares are dealing with family and friends... doing mundane stuff. Dreams I have are not fantasy and willy-nilly... they actually have a consistent story with high detail. The Process Information is sketchy... as it is just a debriefing or overview of randoms thoughts.

Discussing things with Earth Dragon, he suggested and implied that my Dreams... certain ones may be screen memories....especially since they share a theme and are highly detailed.... going over it... these are the three Themes which are suspicious:

According to my associate this is a common screen that they use. Basically you go on a vacation and are prompted to board or arrive somewhere. Basically it is a screen memory of them taking you with other people, decontaminating you, interacting, and then sending you back. I have had many such dreams...going to and coming from airports, taking a vacation somewhere with an "missing" companion...that companion is always present...but I do not know who he is.... we are very close...... but never in the same room. Sometimes odd things happen on these vacations... where I guess the screen memories fail....since I try to leave to soon... as in exploring the vacation spots and walking the boundaries. Oftentimes I miss the flights home or am group in the wrong tour as I keep wandering off and exploring, reading, and not following the program.

This is another scenario. It either deals with a crystalline office building with many floors or a deep oceanic facility but extending into the water. The facility always appears like a massive administration complex... with hospitals.. servers... elevators.... admin areas... debriefing rooms....reactors...warehousing and a lot of today's technology. Usually I am exploring, but I am sent to get detailed map. I find my way into access shaft and hidden rooms. Sometimes I am with a group of others, but often times by myself. Usually it is recon...but other times it is for sabotage. Sometimes we are successful and sometimes we fail.

The last one is visiting museums and zoos. Often I would be visiting various exhibits on human cultures, history, art, and science. It is rather expansive and highly detailed. Again I am with an unknown companion... he is my missing something.... he is usually wandering off and getting into trouble and I need to find him.I am supposed to take care of him. Either way, the natures exhibits zoos are really interesting... especially the aquatic ones. We are talking huge gallons of waters.... where all life of the oceans are shown... there are tanks for whales... sharks.... huge creatures... even when going behind the exhibits it was like a self contained ocean. Even the other zoos had their own ecosystem. Odd thing was there were not many visitors... just a few people and the "people who maintained" them.

There are many detailed dreams in the above scenarios. What is worse I remember them as if they are actually memories.... not dreams... all from the past 40 years. What I cannot fathom is who this phantom companion is?


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