Thursday, October 8, 2015

Other Accounts: Earth Dragon #012

Date: 10/7/2015
Type: CE4
Location: Castiac Lake, CA
Time of Incidents: 3:00pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Contemplative (Earth Dragon)
State of Mind After: Upset, Angry (Earth Dragon)
Odd occurrences before: DNA Sampling Requests
Odd occurrences after: Car with no lights on freeway
Possible Influential Factors: None

Shortly before the incident there were a series of dreams. One of them was of importance, but it was forgotten due to the insultive nature of the following experience.

Earth Dragon has been asked and approached mentally about him giving a DNA sampling. Unknown beings have been pestering him for the past week, indicating that a DNA sample is requested. Over the past year there has been a push/influence that he should have a child or provide DNA. Earth Dragon has chosen his own path and has made it clear that if this was even considered on his part, it would come with certain stipulations.

There was an event in which an entity attempted to influence and attempt. They introduced a scenario that was traumatic and appalling to Earth Dragon. They further attempted to play it off once it as noted that this was unacceptable. They reconstructed the scenario into a rather innocent event (Nesting).

He was clearly upset and let them know what they did was unacceptable and upsetting. After his communication in both the waking and real world.... he was given a reply "Sorry [Real Name]".

The incident has trouble him since it bought into play multiple aspects.

When explaining the event later on, while en route... a car suddenly disappeared on the Highway.
It was there and then just vanished. 

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