Monday, October 12, 2015

Other Accounts: Earth Dragon #013

Date: 10/9/2015
Type: CE4
Location: Castiac Lake, CA
Time of Incidents: 3:00pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Unknown (Earth Dragon)
State of Mind After: Upset, Angry (Earth Dragon)
Odd occurrences before: DNA Sampling Requests
Odd occurrences after: Being in Room, Spirit Guide Voice
Possible Influential Factors: Dream

Earth Dragon had the day off and slept in. The previous day he had a very unpleasant incident with the greys.
Today was he was asleep a similar event happened, however this time he found that he was in a mental construct of his current home. He also was floating above his bed touching the ceiling and what not. He was floating about and moving from place to place in his room. He found himself in a siblings room and then realized what he had done. He quickly went back to his room. He noticed that there was a blue wand sticking out from the wall. He was angry and began praying/cursing. He went over to his siblings door and closed it and sealed it with what he could.

He recalls something else of some importance as he was discussing thing with an entity, however he was very upset. It was important. These entities were floating above again.

Later on during the day Earth Dragon met up with Wood Rabbit and both did blood tests. Around 12:00am,
there was some activity from the "spirit guide". It called out his name as usual, but was followed by a conversation. Surprisingly Wood Rabbit actually heard the spirit guide.

Wood Rabbit identifies the spirit guide as a 40+ woman. From the fragment of whispers one part of the conversation sounded like "Why is he here again?". Wood Rabbit believes this is referring to him since he hasn't visited Earth Dragon's home since the ritual.

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