Monday, October 12, 2015

Pain Relief Asked

Date: 10/10/2015
Type: CE4
Location: Castiac Lake, CA
Time of Incidents: 2:30am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 3:30am
State of Mind Before: In Pain (Aunt)/Worried, Tired, Happy (Mel)
State of Mind After: Sad, In Pain(Aunt)/Worried, Sad (Me)
Odd occurrences before: DNA Sampling Requests
Odd occurrences after: Something in the Bathroom Watching (Me)
Possible Influential Factors: Earth Dragon's Experience, Traffic???

I came back from visiting a friend who he hasn't seen in a while. They spent some quality time together and talked. Unfortunately the way back took along time. There was traffic at his friend's place and traffic on the way back. I put my aunt to sleep and went to be. I feel asleep as I had work in the morning.

Around 3:30am my aunt says a being wearing a grey robe and all white came and stood at the side of her bed.  She was in pain and asked for it to help her and make the pain go away. She begged it. The being extended a hand and left. It did nothing. As she was in pain bit drifted off to sleep.

I just felt something was watching me form the bathroom again.


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