Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Earth Dragon Dream on a Ship

 Date: 2/2/2016
Type: CE3
Location: Castiac Lakes, CA
Time of Incidents: 3:00am and 9:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 5:00am
State of Mind Before: Upset
State of Mind After: Agitated
Odd occurrences before: Popping Sounds
Odd occurrences after: Popping Sounds.
Possible Influential Factors: Previous Activity

Prior to the dream, Earth Dragon has been suffering from insomnia and back issues. Not sure if he is leery of sleeping, sleep schedule is off, or from back pain. Also he is somewhat irritable. Before this dream, he had an argument with an entity that was standing just outside his window at his home. He didn't realize that he was talking to it, until his vision started to see something... it was tall and about 2-3 wide. He could only see some energy distortion and not the actual entity. Wood Rabbit was having issues of his own around 2:30-3:00am. Windows were vibrating and something tapped the window. Wood Rabbit believed something was in the house and checked the area, his aunt confirmed what went on. Wood Rabbit was scarred and earth Dragon had to comfort him. They ended the call around 3:30am, and Earth Dragon continued to play Warframe. Earth Dragon went to bed around 9:00am.

Earth Dragon was at his current home in Castiac. He had a feeling something was outside as there was a number of crows flying around the backyard. From his sliding glass door he could see a green energy in the sky. There seemed to be a huge ship above the house, while several greys were standing around and some sitting on the awning. Most were covered in black stuff, which seemed to be excrement. They commented that it washes off with water and that it wasn't important. They appeared to be greys, but some of them were humanoid like. They wanted Earth Dragon to go with them. Earth Dragon tried to keep the shutters close, and his dad was there as well now. He said "See Dad they are real!". His father responded "Oh my God. You were right all along".

All of a sudden Earth Dragon was aboard the ship. He was in an area which seemed like an operations center. All of a sudden a dozen or so children gathered around him, they were very friendly. They appeared from child to teen, but all small, some female, and some looked like kids he had known in his life. He commented on how some looked "special", and one was offended by his remark. He seemed to think it was due to genetic and mental degradation from cloning. The area he was in went around the ship, and was sectioned off by rooms. Each room was a compartment for each individual which served both as an living quarter and workstation. It was very messy and he commented on how they need to pick up after themselves.

He saw a glimpse from an upper panel of a grey looking down it him. It was a mental impression as much as a visual one. He told them that he saw them and knew they were up there. He asked them show themselves and to be let up. They finally agreed and he went up to the next level. There were two tall greys and some large entity which looked like a 5' tall brain. I attempted to jump on him, and seemed to want to interface.
Earth Dragon said "no" and left unhappy. He commented that it need DNA to recreate a body for itself.
The other two introduced themselves.

NOTE: Earth Dragon was half-asleep when he was conveying this dream. This is the extent I could make out since he was babbling.

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