Sunday, April 3, 2016

Knocks and Warnings

Date: 3/30/2016
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 4:00am (Aunt), 4:00am (Me)
Attempted Time of Sleep: 8:00am
State of Mind Before: Upset (Me), Sick (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Tired (Me), Scared(Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Knocking on the Walls, Footsteps, Dog Crying
Odd occurrences after: None
Possible Influential Factors: Discussion and Recent Events

Over the past two weeks things have not been going well. I been traumatized twice in the past month which I will write at some point. My contact whom I speak with often has his ongoing issues. It makes me sad so much, I do not know what to do. Worse I am often the painted the villian, misunderstood for who and what I am, told not to be who I am. If I could feel it would hurt. It is always the same... so logically I know I cannot escape my fate. There is something fundamentally wrong with me.Why do I even try to make a difference in the world for good. I hurt. My heart truly does hurt, the pain never goes away and the void grows larger and larger. I really don't care anymore. What is the point. In the end I am alone. That is where I am right now.

So for a few hours I am assisting a friend with their project. As we are talking around 3:30am, my dog starts whimpering. I am the phone still and I go comfort my dog and hold him really quick for a few minutes. Around 3:40am I put him back and go back to my room continuing the conversation. As I am talking I hear some weird knocks and banging on the wall. I immediately sense something is wrong and tell my friend there is something wrong! I go and check on my aunt and she is crying in the room. She is not making much sense, but she is agitated and scared. While on the phone still, she makes reference to "there in the other room".
My friend is not staying over, so while on the phone I go and check the room. Nothing is there. My aunt is really agitated and scared. I let the conversation on the phone end since she is very very upset.

As I try calming her down she related the following. Around 3:00am she heard some noises. Someone walk around in the living room and the hallway. It scared my dog. She heard me open the door and talk to my dog. Before I got out the footsteps walked to the guest room. She heard put my dog to bed again around 3:30am. From 3:45am to 4:05am she heard various bumps and knocks in the other room as if people were moving things about. I heard these odd sounds too. She says something passed the doorway. That is when she started banging as well. When on the commotion was going on that is when I got up to check on her.
The banging stopped. When I checked the room there was no evidence of anyone coming in, nor moving stuff. However do to the fact that she was freaked out, and the gut feeling I had... something occurred.

I think this is in response to my sleeping pattern.

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