Friday, July 29, 2016

Ancient Aliens: The Game

The History Channel's "Ancient Aliens" series has a game featuring consulting producer Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, of Legendary Times Magazine. He is the director of the Erich von Däniken's Center for Ancient Astronaut Research and a well known personality. In this game he challengers a volunteer to be regressed to find out why gold was so important to the ancient world, the player soon find's themselves involved in the Niburu Legacy.

Not only the player is regressed to a previous life during ancient Egypt, but also finds that they have been abducted by Greys. These greys take a sample of your DNA, they explain that they have chosen you to be their intermediary. They explain that there is a threat to their world and they need gold. However, our atmosphere makes things hard for they need you to act as their hand. They modify you claiming to increase you physical and mental aptitude for the tasks ahead. It will benefit mankind and you will be saving two worlds.

However, some things are questionable. You are also asked to go an abduct people and sample their DNA. The more tasks you accomplish on behalf of the aliens, the more secrets they share about technology. The more gold you bring, and increase civilization you bring, the closer they are to fulfilling their own agenda.

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