Monday, July 11, 2016

Movie: Report 51: Beware the Light

This movie may be hard to find as it has two tags "Report 51: Beware of the Light" or "Report 51: Camping Trip from Hell", and "Report 51: Alien Invasion". The film came out in 2013 and was originally made in Italy.
The movie is rather confusing at it jumps around alot, as most of the footage is from webcam recordings.
Supposedly the recording are from some type of Smart Phone and from a laptop.

Over the course of several days  Amber and John, with Amber's cousin Jimmy go a trip to camp out in the woods. There are located ins some place known as Murran Lake, WE. Jimmy's girlfriend Linda was supposed to go, but she changed her mind. Jimmy and John want to find aliens and make money off of a sighting. Linda returns home and finds her apartment ransacked, she blames Jimmy and they have a fight.
Eventually Jimmy promises to watch Linda via webcam. Linda is back home Black River, FT. Around 8pm he window open an she is abducted. as Jimmy yells across the feed she is dropped and then dragged off.

Eventually the aliens end up at their cabin. Jimmy gets taken and returned, and now Linda is there. John get taken and replaced.... and then Jimmy and Amber run for their lives. They find a town, but it is abandoned and they are being chased by aliens. The film ends with them getting captured.

The film introduces some interesting things...

1) Aliens can choose to be invisible at will.
2) Normal recordings do not pick them up, cab be seen on night vision.
3) Aliens have holographic technology
4) Aliens can travel through reflective surfaces...
5) They monitor the web and phone calls.

The film fall apart on these factors....
1) It opens with the University of Nebraska and the State Department has this is Classified evidence.
2) We find that the evidence has been carbon-dated to be 50,000 years old.
3) It is hypothesized that aliens come and cull the planet every few millennia, and we start over.
4) Although they travel in ships of light.... the aliens are photosensitive
5) Although they are technologically advance, they act like rapid animal craving flesh.
5) Aliens forget that they can use their technology and act like monster...

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