Monday, December 26, 2016

Translucent Beings

Date: 12/26/2016
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 1:00pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Very Depressed (Me)/ Depressed, In Pain (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Depressed, Sad (Me)/ Depressed, In Pain (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Phone Outage, Issue with Wolfbrother
Odd occurrences after: DejaVu (MIB III)

First off things have been off since 12/23/16, it was a rainstorm in are area and I visited my wolfbrother.
That evening he acted oddly, being indecisive and "high maintenance". Our dinner was a disaster and his mood was off, I did my best too be supportive. When we got back to his house things got tense over Christmas issues, all of a sudden I was locked out. We went for some shakes hoping that would make things better. When we got home he was fluctuating moods, we ended up watching the Ed Norton's "Hulk" since he did not approve of my selection of DVDs. The night ended oddly, me feeling like I done something wrong yet again. I just don't know. There were some odd things going on as my emotional level has happened before here as well...odd popping as the density of the air shifts or electromagnetic current.
I feel things ended badly, and to make matters worse my phone got wet and shorted out. As soon as I got home I made every attempt to let him know the phone was dead. That night I feel asleep saddened.

Christmas Eve makes things so much worse.... for a while the phone did work and manage to squeeze out the holiday platitudes. Then it went out again. I used my alternate means of communication to try and let people know what was going on again. I really hate Christmas, it is the worse time of the year.... just reminds me of how worthless I am. response from he whom I hold dear.

Christmas Day I use my alt communication to see if things were okay. No response from anyone. I waited hours to see what would happen. Sadly that was a mistake, as I realized how pathetic and weak I become.
It really really hurt. I truly want to... well I can't legally infer that thought as it is prohibited by the general paradigm and such. It was another tough day. Phone was out still.

As for the event, the reason why I went back a few days is because of the emotional build up of sadness and loss. This is not only expressed by myself as an individual, but also echoed by my aunt for similar reasons. Christmas reminds her of how much she has lost as things will never be the way they were. So she is deeply saddened by her current lot in life. After I did my daily chores and tasks I felt very sleepy around noon, this is unusual as I don't often feel tired. Emotionally though I am very drained. It was around 1:00pm when I had an odd sensation, I knew someone was "here" and it was followed by the audible pitch in my ear and I started to go, my body seized up and my ankles and wrists started to align themselves. I heard my aunt yell my name. There was mention of my wolfbrother, if I would trade places. I struggled and managed to break free, misaligned my position and just stood up and lay back down and fell to sleep angry. I woke up around 2:11pm.

Now my aunt was half asleep and I already had her comfortable. She recalls that around 1:00pm there were transparent humanoids in her room. They were humanoid, but there arms were squigly, and they had some type of fin on there head. They were pointing at her and she screamed my name and knocked out. That is the scream I heard.

Now the only reason I seem to care was due to a DejaVu incident. In 2012 MIB III was released I did not see it, nor did I buy the DVD until years later. Around this time I had Netflix for a few months in 2013/2014, but due to "Him" I doubt I would have watched it. However watching the film tonight I remember it all....a film I never saw....but recall all of it....and due to the subject matter it was important.

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