Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Groggy First Day and Visits

Date: 1/2/2017
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 9:30pm to 12:30am
Attempted Time of Sleep: N/A
State of Mind Before: Heartbroken, Very Depressed (Me)/ Depressed, In Pain (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Depressed, Sad (Me)/ Depressed, In Pain (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Issue with Wolfbrother
Odd occurrences after: None

The first dreams of New Year were very very confusing. Although I didn't celebrate the New Year in the conventional way most people do, I had a flat(s) coming home due to the potholes on the freeway.
I was tired from the ordeal nonetheless and the day was fun...but was running around. That night after doing what I needed to do I feel asleep around 9:00pm and woke up shortly round  12:30am. This is where it is kinda confusing...I am really not sure what went on...and when. I only know that a series of weird events happened.

1) I feel asleep and fell into a paralytic episode. My leg was hanging off my mattress. Problem is I sleep on the floor and my leg cannot dangle off... I sleep on a tatami, a japanese cushioned mat. I was aware that something was going on, but I tried to move my legs and hands. Someone told me "Don't you will be okay, just go back to sleep". I know I tried to get up and get myself free...I managed to get out of it...but was disassociated from my body. I could move but my body was responding. Last thing I thought was going to fix issues with my Wolfbrother, but someone was here so I went back to sleep.

2) They left...I remember crawling my way to the desk. I could barely move. I felt that I had been drugged and I had to lift myself using the computer desk and stabilize myself for a while. Someone was observing me.
I was dizzy and stumbled my way to the bathroom for water. I could here them move and watch me go into the restroom. I tried to get water from the faucet but I had trouble holding myself up and turning on the keys. My hands were all numb again, I realized I was propping myself by my elbows. I feel back, someone caught me.

3) I was sitting/laying down and I was being interrogated. I was being asked questions "Are you sure. Don't lie to me. We know", I responded "If you know, then why ask if I am lying. It is or is not". "Michael you need to tell me", I said "You already know, and I told you". There was a series of questions, the people seemed in a rush to get answers and acted if they cared about me. I don't know who they were. I don't trust them.

When I woke up around 12:30am I know I went to check on my aunt and then went back to bed. I kept waking up during the night and going back to sleep. Something happened around 4:30am, not sure....and when i woke up that morning I was going over what that could have been.

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