Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Grey Attempted Rape

Date: 2/8/2017
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 9:00am-10:00 am
Attempted Time of Sleep:2:30am (Me)/11:00pm (aunt)/Guest 11:30pm
State of Mind Before: Heartbroken, Very Depressed (Me)/ Depressed, In Pain (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Even More Depressed, Very Sad (Me)/ Depressed, In Pain (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Incident with Wolfbrother
Odd occurrences after: Violated

Yesterday things worsened with my Wolfbrother. It escalated into a situation in which authorities were called and eventually his family had to come and get him. Emotionally I am a wreck, but saving grass is I am in Rabbit mode. At this moment his family is trying to get him help. I am already dealing with several issues, and I am trying not to deal with this one at the moment. However an incident occurred this morning.

I awoke around 9:00am and said good morning to my guest, check on my aunt, and made sure my canine friend was okay. I am really sad over the events that transpired and just wanted to sleep. I am begin to hurt from the hit and felling the emotional component even more. I tried to continue my writing but was to distraught.

As I went to sleep I heard the familiar odd sound in my ear and I was paralyzed....I thought to my self "No No No No....not know I can't deal with this now....just leave me alone". My blue comforter was pulled over my head. I had trouble breathing and I was trying to stayed focus. I tried calling out several times for help, but was having trouble speaking. I tried to remain calm and focused on moving any part of my body. I managed to open my eyes, and in all honesty I did not want to as they were here. Something crawled into the comforter and attempted to grab my hand. It was an inky cloud of darkness, it was touching me and trying to pull me in. I started to shaking my hands violently, vibrating them as much as I could which caused the inky cloud to change. There was a grey arm now swatting me trying to stop me. I heard "It sees, it knows, not the one. He has gone". It still attempted to get near me. "You want. You desire. We see. Give what we gave him? You want. You desire. We see."  It then shifted and adjusted an went over me and behind me. It held me by the waist and started to gyrate, I thought "You are trying to fuck me? Really?". It held on and continued to dry hump. I barely felt anything as my underwear was on, and my other comforter. When I laughed it stopped and left.

I awoke and gasped for air and was very very shaky. I dismissed thins as do to all the stress in the past 24 hours. However, it bothers me as I do feel the phantom effects of being dry humped. I do vividly remember having it hold me and swatting at the inky black cloud to reveal a greys arm struggling with me.

I am trying my best to stay stable for my aunt and the sake of my wolfbrothers family. It has been a tough time.

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