Thursday, February 23, 2017

Hidden Numbers

Date: 2/22/2017
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 6:00pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: 12:00pm
State of Mind Before: Heartbroken, Very Depressed (Me)/ Depressed, In Pain (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Heartbroken, Even More Depressed (Me)/ Depressed, In Pain (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Insomnia, Kidney Issues, High Body Temperature, Instructions
Odd occurrences after:"Sick"

My Wolfbrother is supposed to be home but I have no word. I am assuming he is adjusting, and is probable feeling betrayed, disappointed, and angry with me. I expect the worse, but in the end I want him to be whole again. The awesome individual I met, who was full of potential. Over the past two weeks I been going over every conversation, email and text concerning what had happen. As usual things are in my logs.

First things first, I been depressed and my sleep schedule is thrown off. I cannot sleep, my temperature is fluctuating into fevers again, when I do sleep it is fitful. Logically I see this as symptomatic stress from the whole incident concern my wolfbrother. Despite outward appearances, it troubles me very deeply to my core. The experience has left me worse for wear in some regards, my lack in faith now more than anything and the fact I am a pawn in some twisted game.

I had to turn the AC on to get some sleep as my body temperature is burning up. I am not physically ill nor is the weather extremely warm, humid....but muggy. My room is sealed and is normally cold, but for me to relax I need it "COLD". Odd things is this reflects back on a maxim I have, "Better to be cold than know the warmth of love, for love will perish when ignited...often burning you or spoiling in the warmth." Yeah.... despite my attempts to feel otherwise... So I went to sleep around noon after tiring myself out with some errands. I had nonsensical dreams that were disjointed and just dreams. However I did wake up around 5:00pm to urinate....and went back to sleep. Then I woke up again in "Dream" but it was dark in my room.
The thing was I was extremely unsure if I was dreaming or was awake. The sun should have been setting, and if I don't have my light on it will be dark in the room. The AC was on, and there was someone in the room who went into the bathroom quickly. I got scared as I could pick up whispers in my head. I started looking for the flashlight by my side and turned it on. My field of vision was compromised as I was seeing in dark black and white. The light from the flashlight only helped a little, I grabbed my phone and did it again using the touchscreen and it was better. I noted a red string on the bathroom door, and it quickly got tugged in. I could her my canine companion outside. He was barking which is unusual. I had trouble walking, the lights wouldn't work and made my way to my aunt's room. She was already awake and was scared. I turned her lights on, and I still had trouble as nothing in color, but it was better. She said to bring my canine buddy in from the whole way, he was growling at something. I went and picked him up, my bedroom door closed after a blue towel peaked out and withdrew. All of us where in her room. She said they were here and wanted the dog to stay in her room from now own. She was crying. I could hear them in the hallway.
I woke was dark in the room. I fumbled for my flashlight, but the light on and got my phone. 
Odd thing is I remember what had just happened, but I felt that the sequence of events was the "THIRD" time I did this action recently...... I wanted to text my wolfbrother...but remembered I am alone now.
I got up, feed my canine friend and checked in on my aunt. Went back to the room and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up around 12:00am, I did have some fitful sleep....woke up several times as I was sad. Going back I recalled a dream from  2/20/17...I was given instructions on a code to access a computer. The instruction were written in green light, and a female voice asked me to repeat it. I told her I don't like females, and didn't trust her. She ignored me.

Anyway...this got me to think....what if everything had happened was planned. I think it was. The incidient happened on 2/7/17. These numbers are important.... Month and Date are "9" and year goes to "8", respectively 9 has a significance for me...and 8 for my Wolfbrother In this sequence...."Me + Him = Him"...(9+8=17, 1+7 = 8). Day of Restoration "?", further the catalyst was a symbol of himself. Things are still being played.... I don't know how or why...the story is no finished yet.

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