Thursday, March 30, 2017

An Introduction to Encounters with UFO and Aliens: Part 2

You and Them
   You may have noticed I have been using the term “being” and “entity”, and “experience” and “contact”. The reason why I do this is because the number of encounters vary from individual to individual, and I want this introduction to be as neutral as possible. Here I will go into my interpretation of the types of terms you may here during your period of discovery and research into you experience:

-Alien: Is the general term most people use to describe there encounter. It definition is simply “belonging or relating to another person, place, or thing”.
-Anomalous Biological Entity (A.B.E.):  This is a scientific term that refers to a physical being of unknown origin and classification.
-Anomalous Entity (A.E.): This scientific term refers to beings that are not physical and have an unknown origin and classification.
-Deamonic Entity: The archaic term for a non-human entity, which include beings such as faeries, angels, demons, archons, conceptualized forces, and what not.
-Extra-Terrestrial (E.T): A term used to refer to being that are not native to our planet. However many no longer use this term, since they do believe they are no just visitors but have been introduced to our collective earth society for hundreds of years.
-Inter-Dimensional Being: This term is used to refer to an entity that is not native to our known 3 Dimensional concept of reality. This includes being from other universes and dimensional concepts of reality.
-High Vibratory Being: This term describes beings and entities who operate in the more active vibratory spectrum of what we understand in the terms of the wavelengths of the universe. They are generalized as “benevolent” beings.
-Light Being: This term is used to describe being and entities who appears as bright energy. They are generalized as “benevolent” beings or of being of high vibratory state.
Depending on your religious preference, they may be considered “angelic”. 
-Lower Vibratory Being: This term describes beings and entities who operate in the less active vibratory spectrum of what we understand in the terms of the wavelengths of the universe. They are generalized as “malevolent” beings.
-Shadow People: This term is used to describe being and entities who appears as dark spaces or shadowy energy. They are generalized as “malevolent” beings or of being of lower vibratory state. Depending on your religious preference, they may be considered “diabolic”. 

   When describing our experiences individuals fall usually into these terms;
-Abductee: An individual who has non-consensual contact.
-Contactee: An individual who has had an experience, neither “benevolent” nor “malevolent”.
-Experiencer: An individual who has consensual contact.

-Believer: An individual who acknowledges the existence of beings other than humans and their interaction with us.
-Enthusiast: An individual who has an interest and follows the phenomena of UFO and alien contact.
-Worshipers: Individuals who see these beings as messengers of spiritual powers themselves and have a reverence toward them.

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