Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Nayr....the Daemon Panther

Sometimes there are entities that attack themselves to us before we are born. I know for myself that several canine spirits seem to have been around my family, particularly wolves in general. I have met individuals throughout my life that have had strong calling too animal spirits, and I have meet some who have been subjugated by them as well. For example around 2013 I met an individual who I will call "Abel".

Abel was a young man around in his early 20's and hailed from Zephyr, Florida. He himself beveled he was possessed by demons since a young boy and was being ridden up until his late teens when they decided to let him go. He was sickly growing up as a result of that and has a lot of social issues. Now whether or not it was true, he claimed that these being were large black cats, like panthers. They kept him in  cage, tortured him, and let him watch what the outside world was like. He was used as a puppet. Now the thing is, they let him go....yet they still had there claws in him as he could commune with them when needed. What was odd is he had his innocent side, but there was always someone else watching. He took an interest in me, particularly because of the wolves around me and other things. The meeting with his "Black Panther" went strangely too...and is documented. Why I believe Abel, is some digging around in his past revealed that the area he lived in was haunted by wind demons, jaguar spirits according to the native indians.

2015....I met my Wolfbrother, strangely we learned of his connection to a great cat spirit known as Nayr. He called it his shadow. The other thing it knew me..... which was odd. Even when it interacted with my it was familiar and I was unphased and had no apprehension toward it. My wolfbrother and I could trace early memories back to when he was a kid, were a group of cats lived behind the TV. Somehow he believed he was part of them. It was something my Wolfbrother strongly believed. I admit when I was a child I liked black panthers too, but that is because of the story of Bagheera and Mowgli. However, I am allergic to cats...and wolves were just comfortable too. As my Wolfbrother grew his connection and calling too this Nayr did as well. He felt that it was around him and he needed to bond with it, as it was his, he was in control.
Prior to our meeting, my Wolfbrother encountered several other spirits as well. While traveling abroad he stayed at a hotel and there was a creepy entity walking about the place. From what he describes it was a Shadowy Man with a tall top hat, and it wanted my Wolfbrother. It had stalked my Wolfbrother for a few nights until their was a confrontation in which this being known as Nayr consumed the Shadow Man, all that was left was the hat....which my Wolfbrother kept as a trophy (this is all spiritual/dreamworld). Years later he would also be able to ask Nayr to absorb other beings.....one was another entity with wings that attached itself to a rather portly female friend of his....in which he took her wings.

It seems that this panther spirit could evolve and change as it incorporated things into itself. The thing is I don't even know if this was a panther spirit to begin with. See my Wolfbrother and I are also abductee, so we have a whole other level of strange going on as well. In that sense, my Wolfbrother and I have a connection.....I am not certain it has to do with this being Nayr per say.... but the Wolfbrother I knew and met were linked.... however there was a base version of him and the new version. As far as I can say in easy terms....there is my Wolfbrother as he was meant to be, the Wolfbrother I know, and the Wolfbrother that walks today influenced by "them".

Just to clarifying something, like my Wolfbrother....there is something behind us......according to Abel.....his Black Panther spirits were uneasy.... the thing behind me were the "Greys"...... I was told these beings are very very old and powerful. I was of an interest to them because of "who and what" I am. I believe since my Wolfbrother and I share a common thread, that why he was of interest too.

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