Sunday, July 2, 2017

Model City the Backdrop of the Dreams

Date: July 2, 2017
Type: CE2, CE4, Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 2:30am-8:00am (Me/Aunt/Guest) 
Attempted Time of Sleep: 1:00am (Me)/ 1:00am (Aunt)/12:00am Guest
State of Mind Before:Depressed (Me)
State of Mind After: Depressed (Me)
Odd occurrences before: N/A
Odd occurrences after: N/A

Last night was interesting for several reasons. One it was the last day of Wolfbrother said things would be normal by then....and it is not. My heart hurts still over this as I had faith and hope. Again my belief has been mislead, as well as my faith.
I went to bed as usual, praying for his well being and recovery. I went to bed early as I was sad. During the night I had trouble sleeping and tossed and turned as usually. Around 2:30am I woke up as I heard a weird noise. I honestly thought someone had broke into the house but didn't care.
However I did start dreaming right away about someone breaking in, watching him put stuff in a bag and tried to walk out. I chased him down with the intent to kill, capture, and torture him. I woke up again around 3:30am....I really didn't want to be awake and just wanted my wolfbrother back.

This dream was odd as it continued from the robber. I somehow had chased him all the way to Montebello. I was tired and wanted to go back home, some I began walking. However it was strange that my routes kept being redirected as the size perspective was all wrong. It was like there where backdrops and I was on a set of some sort. I kept walking and wandering around and eventually got to an area where I was ignored. I remember climbing atop of the buildings and went along the roof tops. Soon the details of the city were becoming more and more plain. Eventually thing were more compact (closer together) and then I noticed that I was standing at the edge of some model city. I went far beyond where I should have been, I was seeing the backdrop. Eventually I found a hallway of some sorts from the rooftops that overlooked a large common room full of random people from all walks of life and time periods. Some of them were very tall and others were short, the weird thing was all fake. I knew that these beings were not randoms humans and that all this was some sort of mental projection. That is when they noticed me in the hallways above them, but they were more disturbed at the large babies behind me. Three of them.....
I quickly climbed down the ladder saying that "I am just one of you guy" and they let me pass. Some individuals who were dressed as cops went to confront the large babies....apparently they wanted someone  that escaped. I assumed that was me. However, I found someone in this new area that I knew and I motioned him to go into one of the side rooms so we could talk. It was a man dressed in a suit, I knew him.
I expressed to him the desire to kill myself as I was so very sad and hurt. I did not want to live anymore. I explained why. He looked at me and said "Okay, we will fix things as they should be. He should have never been separated from you". I woke up in the morning and wanted to write this down. However I been distracted all day.

The other things that was off is that last night my guest yelled out at 2:30am "Get the Hell out of here". It woke up my aunt, and it woke me up as well. He has no knowledge of what happened. Secondly,
the bar to my front door was unscrewed from the inside. Something unscrewed the metal bar we have along the inner wooden door. It was partially hanging and that freaked me out.

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