Thursday, October 5, 2017

Dinner and Not My Memories

Date: October 5th, 2017
Type: Dream, CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 1:00 am -8:00am 
Attempted Time of Sleep:
State of Mind Before: Very, Very, Very Depressed(Me)/In Pain, Anxious (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Active (Me)/Very Sad (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Insomnia, Kidney Issues
Odd occurrences after: Insomnia, Kidney Issues

As you may know for the past couple of weeks I have had terrible issues with insomnia and me wanting to sleep at night. I dislike sleeping because of the dreams and the utter hopelessness it reminds me off. I try to make my den comfortable, even with AC which helps with the physical issues....but my heart is so much in pain that I do not want to sleep....only because I will have to wake up to this living nightmare of life.
I have to remember and keep in mind I have obligations to fulfill...... that is an anchor. For some reason, out of sheer apathy I put my aunt to bed early and intended to try and knock out. I think about my wolfbrother as usual, hoping he is okay..... I drift off to sleep by 1:00am
DinnerI know I am asleep, I wake up, but not sure if "I woke up". I need my stick but go out toward the living room anyway in the dark. There was a lot of movement in the house. My deceased aunt and uncles, my mom, along with my grandfather and grandmother were here in the living room. They said "We are here to take you and your aunt to dinner". I told them, "You are all dead. I don't want to go. This is not real". They looked at me and my mother came forward, "I love you and we  came to take you out. Go to your room and change". She started walking me to my old room and everyone else went in to my aunts room. All of a sudden I was naked, my clothes were all of and my mother was walking to my aunt's room. I gathered my clothes and was going to walk back to my real room and get my stick. In the hallway I saw my wolfbrother coming out of my room in a similar situation. He was just as surprised to see me, and I was embarrassed as I was naked. We ran back to our room and I quickly dressed behind the partition as he dressed. I asked him "Where have you been! I missed you so much. Are you coming back?". He says "Wolfbrother, there is a lot I have to tell you. I don't know why I am here, but they mix me up with you still once in a while. I am not you.". I feel hurt as I know he is angry about that.... He actually sense that and comes and hugs me and says "You know what I mean". I said, "they are trying to take my aunt and I out for dinner. They are examining her right now in the room." My wolfbrother says "I am hungry, I haven't eaten and miss your cooking". Caught up in the moment I say "Then let's go. We can go have dinner". He says "What about your aunt?". I say sadly "What can I do, there is at least eight of them, even if you are REALLY here, it won't make a difference overall. I want and need to spend time with my wolfbrother." We sneak past the living room and outside. It is raining all around us except we are unaffected. My neighbor is looking up at the sky. "Do you see that? They are real. I told my mom and dad and they didn't believe me!". I causally say, "Yeah I think they are here for me and my aunt again.". My neighbor looks at me and says "You??? All this time I saw them coming for you? It's your fault I had to move away. I thought I was crazy." I just said sorry and me and my wolfbrother walked out trying to decided where we should go eat.

Someone order us to stop and comeback. This is not allowed. My wolfbrother laughed and I gave the finger behind me. I wake up.....

Where is My WolfbrotherAfter waking up from my "dream" I noticed when I closed my eyes I was still there. When I opened them I was awake here...closed my eyes..the scenario continued. I was confused trying to make sense of it all. I closed my eyes again and focused, pushing a past the dream.

This is when i saw the familiar "feedback". Someone is reading a comic book.
It is abouth Damian Wayne, the latest Robin. I have never seen this story arc, neither do I really read his comics, but it was rather interesting. Who ever was reading was very I was looking at the artwork after I read the text bubbles. At one point I opened my eyes and closed them again, I was still connected. So one walked in their vacinity and they stopped reading the comic.
Someon was communicating with him and they were pre-occupied with a conversation. I put it to myself to try something.


I was now rumagging through its thoughts. It had no idea as to what I was referring to, so I used his real name. It again got confused, it tried to repeat the name. I was also getting some awareness that whoever it was communicating with was noticing something was up. It noticed that their conversation was 'distracting' him from ours. I again tried but use his scent and what he look and felt like, his impression. Instantly I got the information I wanted.

"He is north. We have been monitoring. He is aware of you."

I dropped this and stopped, as I take the last of the message that they knew something was wrong. This wa around 4:30am. After 15 minutes I closed my eyes and tried to access whatever this was. This individual was sedated and being looked over, his thought were mushing....there were other colors besides the black and green....muted yellow and ambers, some reds, and a very pale blue.
I asked and thought "Where is your present location", I got several addresses in sucession very fast....they were moving. The one I got was "Hellman" and north east of me. So they were in the Monterey Park and Alhambra area. I asked about closest location of a known subject. I got two addresses, one the was spoken and another that was shown. Again these were in Alhambra.
I was aware that he was struggling and was no being attended to. I stopped.

The Technicians and the Mass AbductionI went back to sleep as that little stunt exhausted me. When I feel asleep I felt someone was outside the room. Yet I was so tired.

As from the previous dream...we decided to go for some Chinese food. My wolfbrother was not to fond of it, so I said there are plenty of other options. I was just happy to be with him again. We were having "Wolfbrother Day" again. However we both stopped and looked around, it was nighttime and we were in the city. Why was I somewhere off the 5 Freeway in central california and it is day time? My wolfbrother was just as confused as I was and we began walking down the road.

There was a technician truck by the side of the road. It was empty. However something was wrong. It both gave us and odd feeling. I ask him "Are you showing me something that happened to you?". He didn't say anything and took my hand and lead me down a street to the right. We walked down this street (Mind you, these are rural road with pavement and no sidewalk until you get to a business). The next street down there was a crowd of construction workers.
It looked like one of those Cal-Trans facilities, where they keep the construction equipment and vehicles. Some of the workers were upset at the
Technician Truck parked outside. It was a clean white vehicle, with yellow lights atop flashing. Two men were just standing there by the side of the truck. They were at military attention. One had a very fake 1970s handlebar mustache. The weird thing is when they opened the back door to the vehicle it was complete darkness. Even the side doors when opened, showed no interior, but utter darkness. Some of the construction workers saw this and were freaking out, yelling trying to tell their fellow co-workers of what the hell was going on. There were shouts "They are not human!", "Someone call the Police", "My phone is not working". They started to point to random people in the crowd. These people calmly walked up to the vehicle, which the men were placed spread eagle along the side the vehicle like cops would. However, there was this purple lightning that affixed them to the vehicle as soon as they came near. Again some of the other construction workers watching were saying "Don't you see this shit!", "Wake up man, this can't be happening", "God help me, I can't walk away.". One of the construction workers looked at me and pushed me forward as I was able to walk still. My wolfbrother was behind me watching the crowd. I got out my phone and began to take picture and a video. One of the construction worked looked to me and my wolfbrother and said "Its your fault, they came for you, but they are taking us."

When I was up close these beings were not human and at least 6'6" tall. They were tan light orange sking, three fingers and a thumb. Not long and thin..proportionate and looked lean and very strong. The head had no visible mouth, and the eyes were like a visor almost tinted blue like a beetle carapace. The forehead protruded with to bumps. My first thought this is a mask, why do they look like one of the members of the GL Corps?

He tried to grab me and I heard him in my head "You are not here, this has already happened. How are you seeing this?". He tried to use the purple lightning by I deflected it and we ran. One of the construction workers yelled "Make sure that gets on the new, send the military, we are gonna need help".

One of the beings popped in front of us, cutting our path to the freeway a few block up ahead. I told my wolfbrother we should go to the park to the side.
The park was some wildlife preserve with a lake, river, hiking trail. The freeway cut pass. There were people fishing and some were jogging along the trails. We had to make it to the freeway. However they were chasing us. Last thing I remember was we climbed a tree to hide out and decided to wait before we left.

That is when I was getting feedback from the previous dream. I did not want to go to dinner with them and I don't like Deborah. I want to go home. I would even walk all the way from Fontana back home. Why do they insists I am there family....I belong to someone else. I want to go home with my wolfbrother.

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